Our World Now

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My name is Button, weird name I know, anyways I would like to describe to you my world now. Thirty years ago there was a war, a world war; but it was nothing like we have had before. Apparently werewolves that we thought didn't exist did and they wanted what was their world back, and that's when the great wolf war started. The werewolves won and now they rule the world and everyone in it.

We humans now have to live like the wolves, in packs that are controlled by alphas. Everything was taken down and rebuilt ecosystem friendly, all factories have stopped and if any are going they have to have a plant next to it converting the harmful pollution in the air into fresh air. There was also no more pollution in the water thanks to most of the factories shutting down.

Though many families hate the werewolves for taking over I think they did a big help, though I wasn't alive when all this was happening. I am 17 starting in two weeks and I am not ready to be classified as an adult. Thirty years ago it may have been 18 but werewolves changed it since they mature around 17.

Back on the topic, werewolves also changed our housing. Most of us live in tiny cities under the overseement of an alpha. Werewolves and humans live in these small places together, but mostly werewolves. Most of the human population was killed in the war. So many rebelled too, causing them to fight to the brink of death.

Humans are too fragile compared to werewolves, they break too easily when they are being carried away by the 'police' werewolves established. Werewolves are all commanded by the royal family, what makes them better is that they are also descendants of dragons. They are bigger, stronger, and more agile than most. They also have huge horns and wings that prove their dragon lineage.

I personally have never seen the royal family with my own eyes, just on a screen. The werewolves were nice and let us keep the internet and things like that. Scientists helped the ones that lived in hiding taught werewolves how to use them, and made them better phones that won't break easily. They also have better functions, humans can't buy them because werewolves come first.\

I don't mind, they are cool guys. I've met a werewolf when I was in trouble and he saved me, I thanked him and offered to take him home and make him a meal of graditite. He declined but I insisted, but when I brought up Mexican food his ears perked up and he nodded. I took him to my house and made him some of my family famous chili and tamales.

He looked to be enjoying himself and I thanked him again, truth was what he saved me from was not just a robbery. What he came up on was a robbery but what it was, it was worse than that. Humans that have a mix of skins and genes are normally sold in the black market to the highest bitter, how do I know this...well...my mother was taken because she was of Spanish/Mexican descent and German. My dad was Norwegen and Japanese, They both met in Spain and fell in love, moving to America for a fresh start. That's where my dad learned he was sea sick, I laugh everytime I hear that story. He is an idiot sometimes.

After that I walked the werewolf home and thanked him again; then he asked why everytime I thanked him I bowed, I told him my lineage and my genes. I told him that is how the Japanese thank someone, he understood and patted my head. I forgot to mention werewolves were tall! The common beta grows to about 6'10! (6'6 for women). He was a common beta.

I am a short person, even when I am looking at my fellow male humans. I'm about 5'4, short and skinny. The only hair I have is on my head and eyebrows, my skin is a dark tan with freckles all over, I have red hair, but I dyed the tips blue, I have brown eyes, my skin is smooth along with it having some sort of a shine, I have small hands along with feet, both my finger and toenails are painted with a clear coat, the only jewelry I own is my grandmother's necklace I got when she passed.

I don't look like I belong when I stand in crowds because everyone is so tall and white here. We don't have states anymore but we have packs, I stay in the northern pack of Tellence, that is where I was born. The king lived just a few days' ride of horses away, usually werewolves run in their wolf form.

If you were lucky you didn't run into any rogers or traders on the empty plains/forest lands. I love near the ocean and a large forest, but every week a patrol goes out at different times to check for any of the two. I go to highschool, and I'm in grade 10. I'm not popular in school, if anything I'm one of the most unliked people there. My only friends are the werewolf who saved me, my friend group (consisting of Scilly/omega, Emily/beta, Hanna/Human, Shy/omega, Alex/Human, Jaey/Human, and Corbin/Human.) and the one person who has a crush on me Adrian (Beta).

We (except Adrian because he is somewhat liked) are all called the weird kids. Never invited to parties, never gone to the cookouts, never gone to public places (but the library), and never liked talking to people other than our group. That is how it has been since grade 4. Humans were cast out over the reason that they were human and no where close to werewolves.

This year, the prince of werewolves is of age to find his mate. He is traveling from pack to pack trying to find this lover. So far half the world doesn't have this mate, but as a royal he would be able to sense his fated pair. It's most people's dream to be his mate, it's not mine though. I really wouldn't like the attention, but true love does sound nice.

The daughter of my alpha, Rachel, is keen that she is the mate. She even planned on a party in three days to celebrate her going to be the new queen. She promised her friends that she would make them alphas and get them land. Everyone was invited, even us freaks. She said she wanted us to see the new queen get chosen.

I agreed to go just because I know her cook and he makes goood food, her cook is my dad. He makes the best japanese cheesecake ever, it's so giggly! My mother was also chosen to help in the food and I will say she makes the best Taco Tlaquepaque. It's good to have foreigners when it comes to cooking.

I could help anytime because I've helped with cooking since I was three. I admit I was a smart baby! I always acted like a boy, but seemed so interested in 'girl' activities. When it comes to survival though, I am a boss at it. For any holiday me and my parents leave and go to survival training each year.

Some people think that is weird but for our family weird is normal. I do have siblings, but they moved with my abuela and abuelo. They now live a pack away, but we visit often. The reason they moved was because my youngest brother who was sick needed to stay near a hospital that in that pack they have one. Not every town has a human hospital but every town has a pack doctor for the werewolves.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2021 ⏰

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