Prologue- Pain

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It was exactly how I envisioned it to be; small, cold, and distant. I knew something was wrong, I fell to my knees. Gasping for breath, someone was hurt. I could feel my wolf raging to be set free, I shook against the urge; then gagged as the contents in my stomach rolled. The sound of police sirens could be heard, as they got louder, I prayed that they would keep going. However, when they stopped my heart pounded in my ears. Then, knocking on the door; Mr. Argent went to answer it.
"Xavia, can you come here?" He asked me.
I glanced at Allison, before walking to the front door.
"Yes sir?" I looked between Mr. Argent and the officer at the door.
Mr. Argent gently gripped my shoulder, then nodded at the officer.
"I'm so sorry to inform you... Fire... Home... Dead..." His words became a long tone, I only caught a few words.
I could feel my throat start to cut off, then the words: "Three survivors..." Made my head snap up.
I shook my head, "I can't... My mom?" I asked, upon his expression; I shook my head violently. "No... God... No... Please! No!!!!" I started screaming, tears fell as I felt my Alpha shift from one person to a different one.
Screaming, that's all I did until my voice gave out. Mr. Argent held me while I screamed; then I was asked a question. A question that went against everything I stood for, everything a Hale stood for.
"Do you want to stay with us?" Mr. Argent asked me.
I looked at Allison, upon seeing her hopeful expression, I nodded timidly 'yes'. Mr. Argent smiled gently, then picked me up, then sitting me down on his lap when he sat on the couch. Allison crawled up beside us, Mrs. Argent rubbed my back, and the tears kept flowing as the weight of my family's death crashed around me.
That was almost ten years ago and I never wanted to return to Beacon Hills; knowing that it would just cause me pain. But upon returning, from a two year search on who, or what, I was, I settled down with my family in my hometown. My eyes flashed green, as I rode my bike through the center of town, I knew something was wrong. My Alpha shifted again, meaning that she was dead. I pushed the thought to the back to my mind to deal with when I was home, with Dad, not Hale's. I didn't know how much returning would cause me pain. The kind that leaves you gasping for breath and blurs your vision. Shocking.... Brain-numbing.... Pain....

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