The party (rewritten)

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James POV

"Right so are we ready to go?" I say

"Well I guess I can't believe you're making go to this party" jack says

"Well let's just hope that Alan doesn't think that we're real wolves" I say

We knock at the door at Alan's house and he answers the door a minute later "hey guys you made it and wow you guys have amazing costumes it looks so real" Alan says

"Yea we made it ourselves" jack says

"How did you make the paws?" Alan says

"A lot of work and a a bunch of all nighters" jack says

"Right" Alan says looking at jack suspiciously

"thanks for inviting us" i say

"You're welcome and I must say you're costume is also very realistic" Alan says

"Thank you" I say

"So mike you decided not to wear a costume boring" Alan says

"I'm sorry I couldn't get one" mike says

"At least your friends followed the theme" Alan says

"Dude why are you being like this" mike says

"Because you know i like to tease you" Alan says

"God you're annoying" mike says going inside

"Alright you two come on in" Alan says inviting us inside

We go inside and met with a bunch of people partying

"This is so cool" jack says

"I know right" I say

"I haven't been to many parties" jack says

"Don't worry we'll be fine as long as you don't do anything suspicious" I say

Alan walks up to us "hey guys how's the party?" Alan says

"It's pretty good" jack says

"I guess it's alright" I say

"Good can I have you two come with me" Alan says

"Alright" jack says

We follow Alan to a room in the back of the house with no one around "alright man why did you bring us here?" I say

"Look I know both of you are werewolves" Alan says

"What are you talking about?" jack says

"Look I know a werewolf when I see one" Alan says

"So what are going to do tell people" jack says

"No I want to ask if you can bite me" Alan says

"Yea not going to happen?" jack says

"Come on please" Alan says

"No just stop asking" jack says

"Fine can I least know your name" Alan says

"No you can't now can we go" jack says

"Fine but I'm keeping an eye on both of you to make sure you don't kill anyone" Alan says

Me and Jack leave the room and go back to the party "well I feel like we should leave" jack says

"Yea but first I'm going to get a drink" I say getting a soda from one of the coolers and I bump into Alan "oh hey Alan" I say

"What are you doing here?" Alan says

"Just getting a soda" I say

"Alright then" Alan says

I get my soda and i walk back to jack "alright let's go" i say

"Wait we have to get mike" jack says

"Oh yea we do" I say

"I'll go look for him" jack says going to look for mike

I take a sip of my soda "very refreshing" I think to myself. Jack walks backs to me with mike

"Alright I got him let's go" jack says

As we're leaving we get stopped by Alan "you guys aren't going anywhere" Alan says

"Why we haven't done anything" jack says

"Well there's a microphone over there I want you two to confess that you two are actual werewolves" Alan says

"No we can just easily push past you" jack says pushing Alan to the ground "alright we should start running" jack says

We run back home we arrive a minute later and we go inside and we go to our room "well Alan is not going to leave you alone for a while" jack says

Life as a werewolf (book two)(old version)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin