Then and Now

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As I stood in front of the disk, watching as my Mother plaited my silver hair, her transparent arms weaving back and forth, I let my thoughts wonder.

Today is the day. The day our planet shall be cured, just as the prophecy foretold. A daughter of Skarr and a son of Maloon will join their marks in a ceremony that will save the races! I laughed, watching as the sound floated in the air and danced around my Mother's stern face. Funny how I am so calm with this when months ago, I would've slain myself had such an idea be proposed! How could I, daughter of Lark, join marks with someone I did not love?

Alas, war changes those who witness it. And I Luna, was at the center. I hissed when Mother pulled at my sensitive ears, the small outer tubes retracting into my skull. Her laugh joined mine in the air. Soon though, my thoughts called me. I remember trying to convince myself that I was doing this for my people, and at first that were true. But as Dac and I grew close, my feelings grew. My marks called to him and his to me. Mother's sigh resonated off the large palace walls, the sound turned red in the cold air. My ears twitched and my skin flickered green as I smiled.

I remember the day I gave my people hope. Dac was sitting at the Dock, watching the air form shapes and dance. His ears twitched in greeting when I sat by him. As he stared at the dancing figures, I studied him. His pale skin glowed in the light of Skarr's Moons and his eyes twinkled brightly. He turned to me and as I watched, his soft lips formed the words,

"Marry me."

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