The continent and islands of Ora

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All of these country's are part of the Continent of Ora.

The map above gives explanations of the country's and their peoples. But if you can't read them they are listed below.

Queshland is a country of anarchy. They have no ruler. They are considered barbarians.

Lequains of the country Lequin are of slender build, considered elegant and well mannered.

Rockstainians of Rockstan are short and bulky. Built for heavy weight.

Boxmoores of Boxmor are tall and heavily muscled. Built for war.

Galeords of Galeforde are known to be vile and cruel. There hair is darkest brown.

Talesgans of Talsgate are known as guardians. Their weapons are coveted by everyone.

Scotters of Scottsfall are the healers. Slender of build with tan skin.

Zwendalainians of Zwendale are the peace keepers. They govern all trade routes to and from the continent of Ora.

Rickwans of Rickwood isles are short and slenderly built, distant cousins of the Lequains.

It is said that all of these country's were founded by the nine kings who sailed here first. All are rumored to have contained elements individual to the continent as a whole. But nobody knows for sure. After all... rumors are just rumors until proven true.

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