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Jim stared off at the sunset, his glassy eyes reflecting the sun perfectly. His mind was racing as he was trying to apperceive the information he'd just been provided, but to no avail. As Jim watched the sun go down, he couldn't help but wonder why. He wondered why anyone would hurt his mother, a wonderful woman who was probably the nicest and most forgiving person he knew. The darker it grew, the more tears fell. He'd remembered exactly what the doctors had told him. "There's a very low chance she'll make it through this, but we'll try our best." What doctors they were. Soon, the sun had completely set behind the skyline, but Jim didn't want to leave. Jim refused to leave. He felt so comfortable here, and he was afraid to go back home and find his mother not there. He didn't want to accept the fact that she was in the hospital, knocking on death's door. Sniffling, he wiped his tears. He wanted to be strong for her. He wanted to protect her, but he'd failed at such a simple task as that.

"Master Jim?" A familiar voice called from the darkness. Flinching, Jim turned around to see Blinky standing behind him, a worried look on his face. "Master Jim, what's the matter? You seem perturbed." Blinky tried, sitting next to Jim. Jim only sat there, tears rolling down his cheeks. "Please Master Jim, I'm beginning to worry." Blinky tried once more, but Jim only gave him the cold shoulder. "Come on, talk to me." Blinky muttered, and Jim finally looked up, staring into Blinky's many eyes.

"My mom's in the hospital." Jim spoke sullenly, his voice breaking. Blinky looked confused for a moment, but then it appeared that he finally got what Jim was trying to convey.

"Oh dear! I'm so sorry, I didn't know." Blinky appologised, putting one of his many hands on Jim's shoulder. After a moment of silent hesitation, he finally gathered the courage to ask, "What happened?" Jim looked down at his folded hands, taking in a shaky breath as he tried to calm himself down. Clearing his throat, he began to tell Blinky what the doctors had told him.

"So... The doctors told me that she was getting tea at the local café, and there was a robbery. My mom was... Held at gunpoint. She managed to get the guy down, but in the process she got shot." Jim choked out, feeling his throat tighten as tears welled in his eyes once more. "The doctors told me that there wasn't a good chance that she'll make it through this." Jim sobbed, and Blinky put one of his many hands on Jim's back.

"It's okay Master Jim, I'm here for you. I'm sure your mother will be fine, she's a strong one. After all, she did create you." Blinky smiled, and Jim looked up at Blinky with the saddest smile he'd ever given. "Don't forget that you have me, and everyone else who cares about you. I think of you as if you were..." Blinky hesitated, Jim looking intently into his eyes as he waited for him to finish the sentence. "As if you were my own son." Blinky smiled, and Jim felt a sudden happiness inside of him. A grin stretched across his face, and though the tears fogged his view, Blinky seemed to glow in the moonlight, exuding a wonderful warmth.

"If it's important at all, I think of you as a father figure." Jim noted, and Blinky's eyes widened. Jim slowly scooted closer to Blinky, and with a moment's hesitation, leaned on him. Blinky's hand, formerly on Jim's back, was now on his arm, pulling Jim closer as they stared out at the moonlight. Jim was soon fast asleep, being held protectively by Blinky. Blinky couldn't help but cherish the moment while it lasted. Though, he knew it couldn't last forever.

Picking Jim up, he headed back to Jim's house. He walked slowly and carefully, and was successful in bringing him home while he was still asleep. Climbing up to his window, he stealthily opened it and crawled inside, Jim still in his arms. Gently, he placed Jim in bed, and covered him up with a soft blanket. Smiling, he patted Jim's head, and made his way out of the house, closing the door behind him. Humans were remarkable creatures, and Blinky knew that Jim's mother was going to be alright. She had a strong will, and a fire in her that never seemed to dim. Like mother, like son. Blinky chuckled to himself, and hurried off to tend to other matters.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2021 ⏰

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