All Tied Up

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I stared at the adorable brown-haired boy as he entered the room. I lay on the floor, chained and tied and pathetic. He just stood there, holding a tray, and staring back at me. I smiled weakly, having not eaten in days. He rolled his eyes at me and approached. He really didn't know what I was going through, huh?

"Thank you Hinata-Kun," I said hungrily. He was clearly unamused. "Um, could you do me a small little favor?"

"What?" He said, annoyed. I sighed.

"Could you feed me?" I asked. "I'm glad you came instead of Mahiru. It would be weird asking a girl." I gave him a little half-smile, hoping to sweeten the deal. 

"What?! No!" He exclaimed with a startled expression. I already knew that would be his reaction, but even so I need to try. It's been three days since I last ate and I was starting to get weaker. I'd been sleeping most of the day. I'd only just woken up around ten minutes ago. 

"But I can't feed myself when I'm all tied up." I looked at him with puppy-dog-eyes and a smile. He stared at me like I was insane. He probably thought I was. Everyone does now, even though everything was just a big misunderstanding. I wasn't trying to kill anyone. Well, not anyone important. I was just gonna end the life of a miserable, worthless piece of trash. Disgusting scum like me shouldn't live anyways. 

I'd only lied because I didn't want anybody to care. I wanted them all to want me dead. But I actually thought Hinata-kun would be able to see through my act. I really believed he was smarter. I mean, yeah, I'd let my love of hope slip but all that about 'just wanting the killing to start' was pure bullshit. I mean, I'm not that  insane...

"Then starve," Hajime said, bringing me back to the present. He laid the tray out in front of me and walked out without another word. I sighed and attempted to eat, but failed miserably. I needed substance or I was gonna die. Maybe that was okay though. Nobody needs scum like me. I'm a worthless human being.

I let my head rest on the ground and began to cry. I watched my tears drip from my face and in between the cracks in the floor. I didn't want to make it audible that I was weak. I tried to hold back sobs, only to make small, ugly sounds. 

My love hated me. He thought I wanted to kill someone, but in reality, I was only trying to end the life of a stupid piece of garbage. I'm nothing, so it wouldn't matter if I died. The only good I serve is worshipping hope.

I continued crying until my throat hurt, but I continued to weep. I deserved pain, that's why I wanted to kill myself in such a gruesome way. I'd have preferred impalement if I'm being honest. I've always liked the idea. I'm not sure why.

"Worthless," I said to myself. "Weak. Nothing. I'm a piece of trash that deserves to die." I repeated the hurtful things I'd heard all my life to myself. Nothing. I am nothing. I am worth nothing. "He'll never love me. Hinata will never love me, he hates me!" I kept repeating things until I was screaming from the mental pain I was causing myself. I'd started to sob now. I couldn't hold back my feelings any longer. I've hidden them away for years now, unable to allow myself the privilege of crying.

My voice echoed through the empty building. I didn't care if the others heard me or not. They wouldn't care. Nobody cares. I continued to scream, my eyes squeezed shut and my hands balled into fists. I didn't even notice when the footsteps came running towards me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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