National Anthem

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When Will first started dancing, stripping to be exact, he did it out of necessity. Being a broke college student forced him to start working a minimum wage job at the cafe across from his campus, but when the money from that job barely covered his rent, he had to find a second job. With classes, homework, studying, and his current job his options were slim, if not nonexistent. So when his friend Beverly suggested jokingly, that he should just become a stripper, something in his brain lit up.

After careful consideration,( which consisted of him looking himself in the mirror and saying "Fuck it") he went out to the only strip club in his area "Velvet Poison" to see if they were hiring. To his surprise, the manager, Sindy, was thrilled to hire him, despite his lack of experience. She reasoned that she had trouble finding male dancers and was pretty desperate. Sindy quickly showed Will around, showing him the main stage, the bar, the rooms they used for private dances, and finally the changing rooms. She gave him a key to one of the provided lockers. After the tour, she gave him her number telling him to call her if he wants some dance lessons. He immediately agreed and when asked what to wear her only response was "Something comfortable for now, but for later on, the tighter - the better".

He showed up to the club the following Monday around noon, as it would be empty for the most part. He brought some essentials like deodorant and a change of clothes in a duffel bag with him, which he left in the dressing room after greeting Sindy. After he changed into what he considered his "workout clothes"- a tank top and some sweatpants, Sindy brought him to one of the poles on the stage and showed him some basic moves. He caught on quickly, thankful for the flexibility he inherited from his mother. They practiced for a few more hours with Sindy giving him the ins and outs of stripping and how to do it well. By the time they were done with their impromptu "Stripping 101" class, it was around 7 pm, and some of the other dancers were starting to come in. Most of them found him endearing, with his boyish looks and lean physique. Noticing how nervous he was because of his upcoming "debut", a few of them gave Will their numbers and told him to feel free to ask them any questions. One of the girls, in particular, Ronnie, gave him a detailed list of dos and don'ts, telling him what to wear and basically taking him under her wing.

On Friday he got to the club at around 8 pm and walked into the already crowded dressing room. He had already put on the outfit Ronnie had suggested- just a pair of black leather shorts- when one of the other girls came up to him.

" You're the new guy, right? Will?"- she asked. She was dressed in a matching red lingerie set, the outfit completed by a pair of 8-inch red Pleasers. She looked absolutely stunning and Will flushed red from head to toe.

" Um, yeah, yeah, that's me."- he awkwardly scratched his neck.

" Oh, no, sweetie, no need to be embarrassed. I'm Marion and you should really pick out a stripper name."- she laughed and held out a hand for him to shake.

" A what?"- he gently shook her hand.

" You know, a made-up name just for stripping, for privacy reasons and shit. You don't really think all of the girls here are named after inanimate objects do you?"- she laughed again and Will blushed even deeper.

" Do you have any suggestions?"- he asked sheepishly.

" You're going to have to figure that out by yourself, honey. But I have an offer for you. I love this little outfit you have going on, but Olive over there"- she pointed to a tan girl sitting in front of one of the vanities, finishing her makeup, who smiled and looked up-" wanted to ask you for your shoe size."- she smiled slyly.

" Why would you need my shoe size?"

" To find you a pair of platforms to wear of course!"- she smiled widely at him and grabbed him by the hand.

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