Chapter 1

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Alice's P.O.V

"Today we honor Marcus Luther's death. He died in a car accident, many other people as well. His parents are joyous that he has found his own way to move on from our prison, life." While the eulogy was great, I couldn't help but feel disturbed. We only live once, why do we honor our end? I hoped that there was someone else who didn't understand the strange way we spent our lives. My parents had planned for me to go down in a private jet, but I'm not sure if that's what I want, "The meaning of life is to die. We all die, every living thing will die. That is the meaning of life." 

While I was sure that wasn't the meaning of life, it did make sense. My parents highly disagree with these thoughts, but what if it's actually true. What if everyone's wasting their life preparing to die? These thoughts are dangerous in a society that blindly believes what other people say, but when you're different, it's hard not to. 

"Hey, you okay?" Someone said behind me.

I looked up at them, it was only my best friend Anne. She's wonderful and her personality sparkles more than a sunny day after a storm. It's too bad that she is more than prepared to die. 

"Your eyes are getting that glazed over look. You're thinking again aren't you. Haven't you been told enough not to think that kind of things? Just go along with everyone else. You'll get the hang of it! I'm sure you will!"

She was so persuasive, I almost believed her. I nodded, "Alright." I did feel bad lying to my friend, but isn't that what the board of leaders doing to us?

"Come on, let's go watch the rest of his body burn." She gestured with her hand to follow her and I did, but the cremating part of a Mors Natus, is the worst. 

A Mors Natus is a party for the departed, which consists of a eulogy, a cremation, and then a normal party. People aren't sad at a Mors Natus and anyone can come. 

I am not sure why, but there's something about a Mors Natus that's just so unnatural, so untraditional. 

"Hey, what did I tell you?"

"Stop thinking deep thoughts." 

"That's right, now come one. It'll be fun. Think of all the cute guys that'll be there."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm coming."

It did turn out to be a lot of fun, and watching Anne flirt was fun as well. As my parents came to pick me up, I noticed a person standing in the shadows. While celebrating death wasn't odd, standing in the shadows was. I chose not to tell anyone about it, it seemed so unimportant at the time. How was I supposed to know that the person in the shadows could impact my life?

Ashe's P.O.V.

She saw me! She saw me in the shadows, she's gonna report it, she's one of those mindless dummies that believe in the 'death is true life' stuff. I need to get close to her, convince her not to tell anyone. I'm not supposed to be here. 

The Meaning of LifeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ