Untitled Part 1

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(A/N: Hey guys! This is my first JATP fic, so I apologize if everyone's a little OOC. When I first saw my little sister watching this show, I did not expect to fall in love with it myself. But wow, these three dead boys have really made an impression on me. Anyways, as this is my first fic for the fandom, I wanted to start with kind of a cliché one. As I get more comfortable writing their characters, I'll move on to more original storylines. I hope you enjoy!) 

Reggie tries not to groan as the music comes to a stop again. This is the third time they've had to stop, Alex and Luke not playing in sync as they usually do. Reggie can feel the tension in the air, thick and heavy on his shoulders, and he braces himself for the storm he knows is coming.

Not surprisingly, Luke is the one to bring up their discoordination. "Alex, man," he starts, and Reggie knows Alex can hear the barely restrained exasperation in his voice. "What's up with you lately?"

Reggie winces, knowing this was the wrong thing to say to the drummer. They all knew how much Willie's absence had been affecting Alex, but Luke was clearly losing his patience. They hadn't seen the other ghost since they played at the Orpheum, and Alex was getting more and more anxious by the day.

As expected, Alex bristles at the question. "What's up with me? What's up with you?" he half-shouts angrily.

"Me?" Luke retorts. "I'm not the one who's been messing up all day. That's all you, man."

"Well I'm sorry that I've been a little distracted these past few days," Alex shoots back. "I mean, it's not like my friend is missing or anything!"

"That's exactly my point!" Luke shouts. "You're too focused on Willie to actually play with us!"

"Too focused on- What the hell, Luke? He's my friend, of course I'm going to be worried-"

"Yeah, well maybe you don't care enough-"

"Maybe you care too much-"

"Are you sure you even-"

"Are you sure you-"

Reggie's eyes dart back and forth between his friends as they yell at each other. They're getting louder and louder, instruments are being discarded and they're getting closer and closer and Reggie knows he should stop this but they're too far gone and suddenly everything is too much, too loud and every part of him is screaming get out get out get out so he listens and poofs out of the studio.


Julie groans as she unlocks the door to her house. She unceremoniously dumps her bag on the floor and stumbles her way towards the stairs.

Homework can wait. First, she needs a nap.

As she makes her way down the hallway, Julie can hear faint sounds coming from inside her room. Bracing herself to give another lecture on boundaries, Julie is surprised to find just Reggie sitting on her bed. Any thought of scolding the boys flies out of her head as she sees the bassist.

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