Be careful Izu might stab u

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Izuku had been having a pretty normal day... Well as normal as a day for someone who was legally dead. Ahh when I faked my death. Izuku thought, Good times.

Now you may be wondering why he decided to fake kill himself. Well that was quite simple, really. He was quirkless. Now he wasn't. And it was way easier to go under the radar as someone new if his past self was dead.

The funny thing is that he found his quirk the same day Bakugou told him to jump off a roof, the same day All Might told him to be realistic. Now don't get him wrong, Izuku was never going to go through with it. He was just going to go "ha ha if I actually did that your chances of going to U.A would go brrr."

But when Izuku got home after his idol crushed his dream, he grabbed the closest thing and threw it out of frustration. This thing just so happened to be a knife. So when he heard a loud swoosh come from his throw, he was kinda shocked.

And there was the knife, in all it's stab-able glory, wedged in the floor of his apartment. And that's when he realised something else he could do with his life. Something he was good at. Being an informant. (All those times he was called a stalker came to good use!) Although, he was sick of heroes so no info for them!

Thus he pretended to jump off a room, getting someone with a cloning quirk to copy him. In return Izuku gave the man a really good cookie recipe.

Izuku's Life got way better after he committed fake die. It was also e🅱ic to finally been seen as someone useful.

Now he was just waiting for his next client to come pick up some information. Now,most people would think that Izuku would be in a suit and tie but he wasn't. Lol imagine having a fourth wall. (Izuku shut your up) Instead he was wearing a t-shirt that simply said villain on it as well as a sleeveless jacket. He also had a mask that he used when he met new clients.

So, here he was. (Barbecue sauce on his tittes.) In an alleyway with one of his best customers; Shigaraki Tomura. But Izuku already knew that wasn't his real name.

"Heyo Shigi! The man, the myth, the legend but most importantly... My gaming buddy!" Izuku smiled. "How are you doing this fine morning?" Izuku said, fully knowing that it was 3am.

"Just shut up! A hero might hear you!" Shigaraki hissed.

"No u"

"Sometimes I don't know why I even work with you."

"Well it's mostly because I'm better than Giran and won't look as sus as him." Izuku smiled before getting out the folder that he had been carrying. Izuku made sure to 👀 (look around) before giving it to the man child.

"Thanks for that, brat. Don't get yourself killed. You're an NPC important for my quest to kill All Might." Shigaraki said.

"Awww! I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me (^///^)" Izuku replied to a shocked Shigaraki. (He was probably just really creeped out about how Izuku could say emojis.)

Anyways, Shigi left with all the info he wanted while Izuku left with the shoelaces he stole from Shigi. It was always fun stealing shoelaces.

Just as he was about to leave though, he heard the distinct rustling of gravel. He reached to his knife on instinct. No way in hell was he gonna get caught. He would rather die than be sent to jail.

"Who's there!?" He asked like the dumbass he was.

"This is Pro Hero Double Jump! You are under arrest for assisting in crimes and association with villains. Come willingly and your charges may be lowered." Replied the hero revealing herself from the end of the alleyway.

Double Jump huh? Oh this was going to be easy for Izuku. Her quirk was so simple and easy to counter. She just jumps higher and has the ability to double jump -as her hero name suggests. Izuku sighed. He was really hoping for a challenge. Eraserhead would definitely be fun to fight.

"Let's get this over with then." Izuku said as he grabbed what he had hidden in his jacket.

"Hey, what do you have there?" Double asked.

"A knife!" He chirped as he activated Sonic Knife, aiming for the hero's legs.

"NO!!!" The hero yelped as the knife was sent flying toward her. Damn did she really know that vine? Mad respect if she did. Either way, she somehow managed to dodge the knife. So instead, Izuku grabbed one of his 7 milion knives he kept on him and started to rapidly fire them.

Can't dodge forever right? The good thing was that it was indeed correct. Bad thing was he now had to collect his knives after he finished the kill. He hated when he had to do that.

Izuku walked up to the fallen hero who was now pinned by some knives embedded in her legs. Izuku grinned at her horrified face. It was always more fun when they were terrified.

"Not so powerful without your quirk, huh?" His grin widened at the whimpers the hero gave. "Lemme just get the rest of my knives then I'll let you go to a better place."

He chuckled at the relieved face that Double Jump made. Obviously she thought that he was going to let her go. As if. Killing someone was always fun. Especially when they were a hero. The public always lost their shit.

"Bye bitch. Enjoy the afterlife :)"


"There had been many theories on how she was murdered." One of the reporters said, sorrow filling her voice. "Many believe that she was attacked by a particularly strong villain while others think she faked her own death. Pro Hero Double Jump was a great hero, rising in the ranki-"

Izuku smirked as he heard the T.V. Quickly turning it off, he headed to the other room. He grabbed something from his pocket and placed it on the table.

"Let's see," Izuku said to himself. "That's shoelace number 420. FINALLY!!! I've been waiting years for this! 😎😎"

Hey what do you have? A knife! NO!!!Where stories live. Discover now