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first story <3 😗✌🏼
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Here I am, running in a dark alley.

The only thing that I could hear is my panting and the sound of my shoes touching the rough floor.

I'm trying to escape from a policeman, since he kinda caught me trading drugs to whom my sister told me to―I wish he did not saw my face―Now I feel like I'm doing something illegal, which is true. But, I did not chose to live this way.

"are they gone?" I asked my self mentally.

I could feel my feet slowly giving up and slowly turning into jelly due to tiredness.

I slowly stopped running before looking behind, there I saw nothing but a dim light with a black cat infront of a post. I sighed in relief as I sat down on the floor realizing what I put my self into.

I closed my eyes as I release a deep breath, I rest there, and not even 5 minutes had passed..

I felt my heart beating so fast when I heard footsteps coming towards me.

"shit" I mentally cursed.

I prepared myself to get busted by a cop and be in jail but, when I lift my head.

"Are you okay?" A man asked,

the said Man has an average height with white hair that has black tip on the end.

I felt relieved again, not until I saw what he's holding in his right hand.

A police cap

But, no.. He's not the police from earlier.

He looks so familiar.. Did I saw him somewhere?

He's not wearing a police uniform he's also not wearing his police belt or whatever it's called.

I just stared at him blankly blinking my eyes thinking what to do.

"You know that you just wanna go to google and search 'how to escape from a handsome policeman' "

"Hello? Do you need help?" He asked, I shook my head and stood up straight.

I thought I'm taller than him, turns out my measurement is wrong.

"No, I'm fine." I answered,

That tears it, maybe I can use this opportunity to escape.

I gave him a slight grinned before turning my back at him, But I felt a soft hand held my wrist preventing me to go.

"Were you crying earlier?" He asked,

"No, and none of that is your business" I replied,

"Oh gosh, I can't believe I'm being so mean and rude to a policeman right now"

"I was just trying to help.." He said still holding my wrist,

"And I didn't know that a policeman can also be this pushy"

"Kita-san!" I heard a manly voice shouted, I turned around slightly only to found out that it was the police who was catching me earlier.

"oh god"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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