Sunny skies, no rain

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"The waves are really powerful here don't go too far out," she said. The sun had slowly kissed the horizon and it was slowly losing its battle with the moon. "What's holding you back, just get inside, I promise it's not cold!" She gave me a hesitant glance, I wasn't that far in the water. I had rolled my pants up to my knees, trying to get a few splashes on her. I could tell she was getting annoyed. I let the waves hit me and almost guide me back to the shore. "Lets go back to our stuff, I'll lay a blanket down." I had started to dry my feet so they don't get too sandy. "How did you find this place," she asked me. "Honestly, it was quite random. On a bright, sunny morning, I set out on my usual bike rides, and because I had an ample amount of time that day, I decided to just keep going down the route I usually go down. A little past the furthest point I had normally gone, it started to get less and less dense, of people, cars, sounds, but abundant in greenery, of birds, the whistle of the wind. But the most menacing sound came from the crashing of the waves onto rocks that probably lined the shore. I knew I was getting close to water, for I noticed I had left the bike trial and was on dirt road."

I paused for a moment, looked down at my fingers counting, to contain my usual anxiety. "I feel like I'm talking too much". "No you're not, there's something soothing about your voice. And you talk so poetically, I like it to be honest. Please go on." "Ok but please stop me if I blabber on." The lights in the distance could be seen flickering now as time had passed enough where it was more dark than light. "So once I got far enough, I noticed that I had come to an edge of a mini cliff. The same one we had to climb down from. But I noticed a little path, that maybe another soul looking for peace had traversed."

I took another long pause then said, "do you believe in love?" She replied with clarity in her voice, "love is what you make it." "Yes indeed it is, love is in the little creatures that roam the Earth, in the roots that flow underneath, in the clouds that turned from a beautiful pink to now a shade in the illuminance of the moon. Love is in your eyes that make it so difficult to look away but at the same time I turn, for I doubt whether I deserve it." "You do deserve it. Your soul is like nature, it's abundant. No matter how many times I see the sunset, I always come back. That's how I feel with you, that's why I still come back." A dog barking in the distance had distracted me right in that moment, I opened my eyes and glanced to my right, not a soul in sight. Reminiscing on the path we had taken years ago, in this foreign city, under the Golden Gate Bridge. How much things have changed, I'm almost unrecognizable. She probably would be shocked, but still wearing a smile if she saw me now. But one thing's for certain. The waves crash on these rocks and wash up on this shore in the search of love, they're both one entity, nothing separate. This place, is a place of love.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2021 ⏰

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