Dear Wilf

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" Every night , Doctor....when it gets dark. and the stars come out, i'll look up...... on her behalf.

I'll look up at the sky..... and think of you."

He did too. Every night. Hoping he'd see that blue box, small and big at the same time . That magical box, and that young old man . That young old man with that grin, so cheeky you could you forgive him almost any thing .

That wonderful Doctor, wherever he was . That man who brought back his Donna, his granddaughter , safely.

That wonderful Doctor.

December 22, 2012.

" SO much for the world ending, then!" Sylvia Noble said with a smirk as she piled the dinner things into the dishwasher . "Why do you think that was, Dad?" Smiling at her he put on his coat and trademark woolly hat . "You thinkin' what i am, Sylv ?" he said with a wink . "That i am, Dad" she replied, smiling back. "Right then! "  He chirped as he took his thermos from the kitchen table " I'm off  up me allotment, do a bit of Stargazing... and, well, you know." He kissed his daughter on the cheek and left the house.

He enjoyed his walk up to his little hut on the allotment, he just had one quick stop to make.

He stood at the ruins of a little semi detached house , not far from home.

On the gatepost of the house was a plaque




He took off his hat, and with tears in his eyes , he saluted.  Taking his handkerchief from his pocket , he wiped his eyes and blew his nose with a loud honk. Clearing his throat he finished the walk up the hill to his little hut

He looked up at the stars, deep in thought as he set up his tripod and telescope and unfolded his creaky deckchair. It had been fairly quiet that past year, apart from that business with the cubes early in the Autumn, Those cubes that caused all those poor souls to all have heart attacks at the same time.

Then the cubes just stopped working. That had that  wonderful man written all over it.

Wilf was just about to sit down when he felt something tugging at the cuff of his trouser leg. "What on earth..."



"OOH_OOH" . The squeak more insistent this time. Looking down, Wilf saw the creature . it was not much bigger than a beanbag, grey in colour, with black eyes that twinkled under the starlight . "Blimey! you're one of those Adipoo... ADIPOSE babies! my Donna told me all about you lot "

Squealing with delight the tiny alien smiled showing off it's one tiny tooth. It jumped up and down almost  losing the little santa hat it was wearing.

It was holding an envelope, coloured a very familiar shade of blue..

Heart racing,  he knelt and took the envelope from the baby alien. Written on it, in lively writing, was his name and underneath that "Read me" with a smiley face.

Sitting down in his chair, he flicked on his torch. looking down he saw the little creature trying to climb up his leg. "Up you come litlun" He said lifting the Adipose baby on to his shoulder, where it snuggled into his neck and began to quietly suck it's thumb.

Trembling , he opened the envelope, and with tears in his eyes he began to read

"Hello Wilf!!

        Don't worry , it is me (see the enclosed photo. Like the fez ? I do, fezes are COOL)

Now, you may have noticed i have a new face now, i had to regenerate after that mess with the Master, but don't worry, it's still me, and i'd still be proud if you were my Dad.

I hope Donna and her new husband are okay and that he's treating her well. What am i saying ? course he is!

Give my best to Sylvia, please? Or you'll never hear the last of it. I couldn't risk a visit, if Donna were to see the TARDIS, it could still prove fatal for her...

So, are you ready for Christmas ? what am i saying ? OF COURSE YOU ARE!!  You live and breathe Christmas.

Now, what's happening with me? Well, i made some new friends, got married (sort of) to their daughter, who's actually older than them (wibbly wobbly, etc. etc)

Had a couple of run ins with the daleks again .Oh! they've had a bit of a make over . Now they look like stroppy tellytubbies with plungers.

Could have used you and your paintgun i can tell you . Haha!

Sorry about that palaver with the cubes back in the Autumn , but i got it sorted with some help from my friends, Amy and Rory (They're in the pic with me Amy's the redhead .)

The thing is though... Wilf, i lost them . I promised somebody i would always bring them safely back to him. I failed him, i broke that promise, and now they're gone.

So i'm done. If saving civilisations from invading forces or the acts of some madman is going to harm or ultimately cost me people i love, Then i'm finished . I'll take myself and this old box far away so i can't hurt people that matter to me.


Amy and Rory are dead now, by your standards. They are in fact, living out their lives in thirties New York . I hope they are happy.

I can't rescue them, because of the way they were taken it would do irrepairable damage to the time vortex. I hate that. I hate myself.

You could say, i'm retiring. My hearts are broken. i felt i had to open my hearts to somebody who i knew wouldn't judge... So i chose you .dad"

Wilf put the letter down in his lap and wiped the tears as they fell from his eyes.

 Then he continued reading.

" Anyway please forgive me for the sad tone that's arisen in this letter .Sorry.

Right that little chap on your shoulder, it's well past his bedtime, so off he goes!"

There was pop in Wilf's ear, and the baby was gone. Wilf read again

" If you look in the envelope, there's another letter, that i'd like you to hand deliver to a man in a villiage called Leadworth, PLEASE.

his name's Brian Williams, he's a lovely bloke- Rory's father. It explains everything. What happened to Amy And Rory and it has an apology from me . I will forever be indebted to you. Happy Christmas Wilf- Dad.

P.s. Lookup"

Looking up , he saw it had began to snow he tutted, then did a double take. It was him changed like in the picture! The Doctor stood there eyes wet, wringing his hands

"Hello Dad" As the snow fell , Wilf held the weeping Timelord.

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