North Pole Inc.

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North Pole Inc.

A Novel by

Davy Pepperidge

Nonprofit Project:

North Pole Inc. is a nonprofit project. Contributions to the author's tip jar are appreciated and accepted at (he has spent considerably on coffee and scotch while writing). Revenues or contributions made in excess of project costs will be sent to charity or used to print more paperbacks for donation.


This book is a fiction (as it takes place in the North Pole), and is a nonprofit book that utilizes numerous sources, including facts and ideas not protected by copyright, and uses various ideas in limited substantiality, protected by Fair Use. Names, characters, places and events in this book, even those based on real people, are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.

Copyright 2019 by Davy Pepperidge

All Rights Reserved.

ISBN 9781710113556

Cover Design by F. Hossain


My Friends & Family who inspire me,

My Mom who encourages me,

And my Dad,

His insights about the workings of the world,

and the curious nature of money and people.

Rest in Peace, Dad.

I love you all.


This book would not be possible without the ideas and writings of many thinkers and storytellers. The most influential to this book being David Harvey (Seventeen Contradictions and the End of Capitalism), the Semiotext(e) Intervention Series (which Glenn Beck once described as "evil"), notably Christian Marazzi (The Violence of Financial Capitalism) and Maurizio Lazzarato (Governing by Debt and The Making of the Indebted Man), among other academic giants of the past and present, like Karl Polanyi, Joseph Schumpeter, Dr. Nicholas Shaw, David Graeber, and the grandfather of capitalist critique, Karl Marx. Please follow along or reference the "Notes" section in the back of the book to see how these concepts were woven into the story and dialogue. Oh – and the book wouldn't be possible without Christmas, Santa Claus, Elves or the North Pole. So, thank you Jesus!

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