The Curtains were open.

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      It had been weeks since Nick had been over and it rightfully began to concern Jay, but it also pinged a curiosity within him too. What could he be doing that was so important? He knew it couldn't be that Nick didn't feel welcomed, they did have an open door policy with each other's homes. Had Jay possibly said something to upset Nick? That couldn't be it either, Nick would have certainly spoken up for himself if he had. His thoughts ran rapid in his mind despite what he did to stop them, what he tried to do to distract himself. It was early in the morning, around roughly 6 AM when this curiosity Jay had decided to spike and he found himself at his window, gazing upon his neighbors cottage. The lights were on and he even considered walking right over there and interrogating Nick, but with a glance to his driveway, he went against this thought. There was a car sitting uninhabited, It would have been rude to go over there now. With Nick's curtains being open, Jay was able to see shadows casted through the living space at the Carraway residence. His hand reached for his own set of curtains, ready to close them and retire to bed, forget about this anxiety until the late morning sun greeted him. Though, his eye was caught by two shadows seeming to collide with each other and Gatsby wasn't gullible. He had a new question though, what woman would drive herself? That seemed a bit different. The more his mind ran, the more he connected dots. Then, he didn't have to connect dots because looking through the window he could see Nick, half naked and blissed out with another man who was in the same state as his dear friend was. Gatsby, to say the least, was caught off guard by this new discovery about Nick. He felt guilty for staying in that spot and watching, he should be repulsed, turned off, immediately closing the curtain and walking away.. but his feet wouldn't allow it. He wouldn't allow his eyes to leave the scene before him either and for the first time in hours Jay wasn't thinking. He was too captivated to think. He just stood and watched until Nick and his friend were done, sweaty bodies collapsed upon each other. Both completely unaware they had a spectator. He eventually did, however, stray from the window and go to bed with a new thought, no. A new plan in mind. A plan that he'd execute tomorrow after Nick's friend left.

     That afternoon came eagerly. Jay was dressed formally as he always was when visiting the Carraways estate. Jay pulled in the driveway alone and narrowed his eyes at the establishment, getting out of the golden car. He watched Nick peek out of the window, then open the door as Gatsby approached, Nick of course with a smile.
     "Jay, Good afternoon! it's good to see you." Nick spoke solidly with palm flat against the door, propping it open to let Jay come in. In which Jay did. With such private matters, they both couldn't risk having one overhear.
     "Pleasure is all mine, Carraway." Jay started with a small smile, walking into the home. He tried to ignore the scene replaying in his mind from the night before. He didn't go any farther than the hallway. "I've come to question where you've been. You stopped showing your face around my mansion." Gatsby had wondered out loud, causing Nick to scrunch his brows a bit with a small smile.
     "Ah, yes.. I've been busy Jay, that's all." He said to ease whatever feeling his friend had. Sometimes Gatsby did these things and Nick was well aware. He's had to calm his friends nerves many times before, reassure him that Nick was, and always will be around. It seemed Jay had something else on his mind.
     "Ah, I see. Well, I'd say so, after all, I'd say you were quite busy early this morning. That car was parked outside for quite a while." Jay stared at Nick and the man could feel his eyes looking right through him. Nick's face didn't hide his shock either, his face was pale and he was stopped dead in his tracks. He tried his best to play it off, but he knew that Jay knew already.
     "Just a friend from out of town passing through, wanted to stop and visit." Nick tried to lie, cheeks giving him away with a red flush against his pale skin. Gatsby couldn't help but laugh. Oh Nick, dearest acted like that was something Gatsby hadn't seen before. Sure, it took Gatsby by surprise but not because it was two men together, but because it was his friend who came off as straight. He even seemed to have a thing with Jordan Baker, the golfer. Jay was more than wrong.
     "Nick, you don't have to lie or be ashamed by any means. I saw your rendezvous last night with that other man. I don't care about that. After all, we do seem to guard each other's secrets.." Of course he was referring to his and Daisy's affair that only Nick knew about. "..With all you've done for me, I truly owe you. You know I know many men, many exciting men that-" He was cut off.
     "What? What're you going on about? If you're saying what I believe that you are then.. No. I'm fully capable of finding my own.. Friends." He seemed to whisper, embarrassed by this whole discussion. "That's also not the reason I haven't been coming over. I can't believe you'd even think that."
     "Then why haven't you been coming over? I know you're not much more busy than that. You had time before this. So what's changed?" Jay asked, one of his hands casually tucking in his own pocket, awaiting an answer from his friend. Nick's mind was trying to conjure something, anything, but the truth. Nick let out a shaky breath, wiping his clammy hands on his pants.
     "I just can't tell you that, Jay." Nick whispered out, looking to the floor defeatedly. He went to pass Gatsby only to be clutched by his bicep. Nick looked up to the concerned face of Gatsby.
     "Tell me what is wrong, Nick.." Was all that was said in the new settling silence. There was something sweet and caring about the way he said it that caused Nicks heart to pound in his chest. Thankfully his red cheeks from embarrassment hid the blush caused by attraction which he tried to hide for so long. Instead of speaking, he opened his front door and stared at Jay. The other knew exactly what Nick wanted and he was going to respect that. He pulled his grasp from the other and exited the home, looking back at Nick before he stepped off of the porch.
     "The gates are always open for you, Old Sport." Jay stated before continuing to walk down the drive and leave.

     That night had Gatsby feeling conflicted. Should he try to talk to Nick again? Or leave it be until Nick is ready? Either way, the palace was quiet that night. No extravagant party held which left the home cold. Nick took notice, his home displaying the same coldness. No lights shining besides one mere desk light. Jay almost felt bad about the way he approached this situation but he was only trying to help, he was trying to be there for Nick. Just as the night he had made the discovery his thoughts were running wild with questions. What could be wrong with Nick Carraway? An everlasting game of guessing. Only a few solutions came upon him but one stuck out like a sore thumb. It was the thought that Nick had something for Jay emotionally. It was clear what Nick's type was now and Jay always thought Nick was close, perhaps a little too close. Or even how Nick wanted to be closer, that was until he started distancing himself when his affair with Daisy started. This had Jay sitting up in his bed brain stirring on what he should do now. How did he himself feel? How should he react to this? He loved Daisy but he couldn't deny what he felt when he saw Nick with that other man. Guilt, shame, embarrassment, jealousy. He couldn't figure out why he was jealous though. Nothing was there for Nick in that way, right? Good T.J. Eckleburg he needed a heavy drink and just that is what he got. One turned into two, two turned into three and three turned into Jay losing count of how many he had consumed. Now, what does a man do when he's having conflicting feelings and drunk? He invites over his ex to continue an affair he's been having.
     The bell of the ball arrived as soon as she was sent for and through the door meant hands on eachother. Scents intertwining, heat rising. The both of them were instantly in bed and clothes were off. About an hour in and things were as normal as they could get. That was until a heavily intoxicated Jay whispered a name, a name he thought was the person below him. That was until Daisy spoke the name back confused completely and gently pushing Jay away, asking him to answer her. This snapped the sobriety into him. He did say Daisy right?
     "You said Nick, Jay." Daisy seemed to confirm Jay's nightmare. The man pulled away in confusion and appalled by this sudden mistake. Why couldn't he stop thinking about his neighbor? Why did he just whisper his male neighbors name while railing the presumable love of his life? He got out of the bed, wrapping one of the silk sheets around him.
     "I think you should leave.." Jay suddenly said, running a hand through his hair and glancing down to the cottage next door. Daisy in response stood up with another sheet covering her.
     "Why did you whisper my cousin's name Jay? What's going on?" She didn't think she really wanted to know. She wanted an explanation of sorts, but Gatsby couldn't give that to her.
     "I don't think we should see each other anymore. It's.. something personal. I love you Daisy, I do, but.." He didn't want to say anything else. He needed to let her go and why he realized this in the middle of drunken sex after whispering his best friends name, he didn't know, but maybe said best friend had something to do with it. Daisy simply stared, dismay filled her and she clothed herself quietly and just as Gatsby requested, left. She didn't have plans on coming back either. Whether she decided to discuss this incident or not was up to her but it came with the cost of outing herself as well so Jay didn't bet on it.

     Now, Mr. Gatsby knew what he had to do. He got dressed quickly, throwing on some wrinkled pants and one of his silk shirts which was also wrinkled from the floor. He rushed from his big quiet mansion and was next door in mere moments and knocking on the door, panting, heart racing, still a bit buzzed. Nick answered groggily, robe wrapped around him tightly.
     "Jay?" He asked in a croaked voice. Then stepped aside to let him in as he always would. Jay stepped inside and took a deep breath in.
     "Sorry for the late arrival, old sport but I think I've realized something. You wouldn't tell me what was wrong earlier, I was thinking.. Is it because of me? Are you upset with me because you have some sort of feelings for me? I know, I shouldn't be so inappropriate with this and it's my last intention to make you uncomfortable but I realized something else as well. I think I feel that way too. After seeing you and your friend yesterday I felt jealous and I tried to forget about it with Daisy but even then I was saying your name. I can't get you out of my mind and I want to make it up to you in any way that I can, even if it will take time, I never-" Jay was erratic. He normally is in such situations, when he's trying to confess himself. Nick just groggily listened, taking in everything Jay was saying, but he couldn't believe how right Jay was. How he had figured it out. He was caught off guard at the Daisy comment but hell, it was 3 AM and Jay was confessing how helpless he felt for Nick now. So Nick cut him off.
     "Are you just going to stand there speaking rapidly then.. Or are you going to finish and be with me?" Nick asked, crossing his arms. Jay stopped and looked at Nick's face. He was serious. Gatsby took in a deep breath of courage and moved closer, hands running over the others arms, causing Nick to move them, gently grasping Jay's sides, the loose clothing feeling nice under his palms. Jays face moved slightly closer to the others, hesitating before finally connecting their lips soft enough to let Nick move away if he'd like but to Jays surprise the man moved closer, pressing his lips harder against Jays. Nick stood to his tippy toes, groin brushing against each other, earning a gasp from Nick. Of course Jay, even though spilling emotion, was still semi erect from previous activity. Nick wasn't complaining. Jay felt the gasp and arms wrapped tightly around Nick, one hand on the others lower back and tongue slipping into the others mouth as he gasped. They stayed this way for a while, but Gatsby moved to Nick's neck, kissing it delicately. He felt like he was in the right place now. No worrying about affairs, who the other truly loved, what they had to hide. He didn't care anymore.
     Nick with his hands still on the soft linen pulled Gatsby towards his bedroom and into the sheets. Clothes were removed slowly. Body worship ensued, so did the playfulness between them. This was much different than anything either of them had ever had. It was raw and real. They both meant it, it was silent "I love you"'s, and teenage secrets. Eyes locked and things seemed to slow down as they both had a mutual understanding. Lips were connected again and hands were all over each other's bodies. Jay started to massage the other man's sides and abdomen, eventually pulling the others legs up to wrap around his waist. He grinded down against Nick as well, gasping between passionate and hot kisses. Nick's hands roamed over Jay's shoulders and up into his hair to grip as he was grinded against, pulling a moan from his as well, eyes squeezing closed in bliss in which Jay had seen him before with his friend, but it was different. It seemed like Nick meant it, he truly enjoyed it because he was finally with the one he had thought about with all them other men.
     They were wrapped in each other finally. Gatsby felt bad for making him wait for so long but Nick wasn't upset in the slightest. It made this whole thing better. Patience is a virtue after all. Jay finally pulled back from Nick asking if it was okay to continue and Nick pleaded for him to. It was much better than watching from a window. Jay's fingers explored Nick's abdomen again, then began stroking the man beneath him, causing Nicks back to arch forward.
     "Yes, Jay-" Nick choked out, eyes squeezing shut again. Jay's other hands moved passed his ass and circled his entrance causing Nick to try and push down. A soft laugh came from Jay's throat and he gently pushed a finger in. He started shallow but gradually made it to the base of his finger while peppering kisses to Nicks thighs. His finger began to thrust, causing a long moan to fall from Nick's lips, hands gripping the sheets.
     "You're doing great, old sport." Jay had praised continuing to thrust his finger as he watched Nick's reactions. Though at the nickname, Nick's eyes opened and he gave a breathy laugh.
     "Really? The nickname?" Nick questions and this made Gatsby's eyebrows raise as if he had done something wrong. Nick took notice and shook his head. "You didn't do anything wrong Jay.. I just thought it was funny-- in a cute way.. Even while fucking into me you still call me old sport.. Who woulda thought." Nick finished and gently moved his hips for Jay to keep going since he had stopped to listen to Nick. Jay smiled softly and shook his head.
     "I can call you Nick, I just thought maybe you liked the nickname, figured I'd give it a try." Jay said, continuing to thrust the finger now, even curling it. This seemed to drive Nick crazy and he grunted and tried to once again thrust himself down onto the finger.
     "Oh~ Keep fingering me like that and you can call me whatever you want and I wouldn't care-" He stated and Gatsby kept curling his finger, even eventually adding a second finger to stretch the man. To Gatsby's surprise though, he already seemed stretched enough.
     "Have you already had someone over Nicky? You seem so loose.." Jay quizzed. Nick hummed before explaining himself.
     "No, no.. Honestly earlier I had.. explored myself. The confrontation was humiliating but it was also.. Intimate in a way I can't explain. I did it in the front room where you had the chance to watch before, with the desk light." Nick admitted and Jay's hand on the others erection tightened and he jerked his hand quicker humming. This action sent moans through Nick. His fingers in Nick pulled out earning a disapproving whine from the man below him.
     "Well, why didn't you just say that before, we could have gotten on with this faster than anticipated." Jay pressed his tip to Nick's entrance now, connecting their lips again and slowly rubbing his hand on him still while he slid inside, waiting for any movement or sound to signal him to stop. There was none. Only the feelings and sounds of them two together existed.

     Jay bottomed out in Nick before he pulled away giving them each the opportunity to breathe. The first words to surface from Jay's mouth being, "Are you okay?" Through the panting and the pain in which Nick was accustomed too now. The man below him nodded while breathing heavily, his hands finding Jays to intertwine their fingers as he eagerly waited for Gatsby. Jay took notice of his pleading eyes and continued, slowly drawing out of the man and pushing back in until he found a steady rhythm to hold onto. This led them into a sea of moans and pants, occasional sloppy kisses and praises whispered. It couldn't get any better than this. This had lasted them a good hour before Jay shifted his hips, reaching a deeper part within Nick and had him melting under him. Within minutes of this sensitive part being reached, Nick couldn't hold back any longer and with a breathy lack of warning, he reached his orgasm, legs shaking and loud choked moans. Jay didn't even have time to move his hand. It didn't bother him, he simply wiped it on the bedsheets and muttered an apology. Each movement he made after caused Nick to whine though, so he decided he'd have to end this and he pulled out, pressed several kisses to tired Nicks neck, and jerk himself off until he found his orgasm too, living through it shortly so he could return to his new lover, crawling into the bed beside him and praising. They cuddled and kissed before falling asleep in each others embrace.

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