The boy next door

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chapter 1 

Hey, I'm Y/N, and Let me take you to when this one boy changed my life. It started on this one, cold, autumn day.

I had just moved cities as my mum just got a new job working in a school. It was in a town called Ackley Bridge and she got a job at Ackley Bridge College. I really didn't want to move but my mum and I had suffered a lot because she couldn't find a job and now, she has one so what could I say.

I woke up on that cold autumn day and reluctantly put on the navy-blue uniform. I had a quick piece of buttered toast as I ran out of the front door. I was shoving the toast down me as I was about to be late.

I was greeted at the large school gates by a friendly but stern-looking woman. "you must be Y/N," spoke the casually dressed women," I am Mrs carter, the head of the school" I shook her hand and followed her into the gates of the school. " you will be in the form 10D with Mr bell as your form tutor." She told me.

I then followed her into the modern-looking classroom. As Mrs. Carter opened the door, I felt more nervous than ever. She then introduced me, and I felt that all eyes were on me like a hawk and I felt so uneasy.

"Hello Y/N, I am your form tutor Mr. Bell, please can you take a seat next to missy," he asked. I saw a friendly face smile at me and as I sat down, she introduced herself." Hi, I'm missy booth. Nice to meet ya". She told me.

The lesson dragged on as I stared out of the window all morning only hearing echoes of voices in the background. I was wondering how my mum was doing as the new office worker. Out of nowhere, the bell rang telling us to go to lunch. "hey, Y/N come and sit with me and Nas," shouted missy.

I had no idea who Nas was at first, but I then found out that she was Missy's best mate and that missy was actually a year older than me, but she bunked of last year and moved into the year below. Nas was in year 11 and was about to do her GSCE's.

"so, Y/N, where do you come from?" asked Nas in her gentle voice.
" I come from North London, and I moved down here as my mum got a job here," I replied shyly.

"that's so cool, what is London like?" she asked early.

"it's nice," I answered quietly. Thankfully the bell rang and me and missy said goodbye to Nas . as I was walking, I was talking to Missy when I knocked on someone " I am so sorry, let me help you, "said this low but soothing voice. I looked up and saw a welcoming face and I loved it so much ." thank you, my name is Y/N and I am new here. I am in the same class as Missy" I replied nervously.

" well, here is my number if you ever need anything," he gave me his number on a scraggy piece of tissue and walked off. " you want to stay away from him," said Missy "wow Corey has his eye on you" I wanted to get him out of my mind, but I couldn't.

I spent all afternoon thinking of him and his welcoming face and did not get any work done at all. When the final bell of the day rang, we all stood up and were let go. "listen, I use to think Corey was wonderful too, but promise me you won't text or call him tonight," asked Missy.

" ok sure, I trust ya," I replied not knowing if I could keep my promise. 

Chapter 2 

When I got home, I ran straight upstairs after saying hi to my mum and then ran to my Plain room full of boxes and jumped on my mattress on the floor. I pulled out the tissue from my pocket and stared at the number . "what if Missy just wants him to herself" I thought to myself "how can I trust her anyway."

The hours passed ( as I was on my phone) and then after dinner, I went back upstairs and text him. Don't ask me why I did because I can't tell you the answer myself. I messaged him:

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2021 ⏰

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