Shelby Goodkind X Reader

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"We're running pretty low on water. Someone should run get more." Dot announces " Fatin it's your turn".

Fatin rolls her eyes, getting up anyways. "Well I'm not going alone so which one of you are coming with me." I quickly get up and volunteer myself noticing the annoyance that passes through my best friend Shelby.

"Alright let's go then." Fatin says.

We walk off the beach and through the forest in a comfortable silence until Fatin speaks up. "So you and Shelby what's the story there?"

"What do you mean? We're friends. Not much of a story." I reply

"Oh please. I know tension when I see it and you guys definitely want to get into each others pants."

I scoff which I guess Fatin takes as a confession.

"So you guys are in love." She says knowingly.

"I never said that." I said almost too quickly "oh look, water."

"Come on, admit it. You've got a thing for her." Fatin pushes. When noticing my hesitation for a reply she softens. "Okay, Sit." She says pulling me down to sit on a rock. "Spill. What's going on? "

I sigh sadly. "Back home in Texas me and Shelby never really talked or even noticed each other. But I did know her asshole of a boyfriend, Andrew, he only really wanted her for sex but when she wouldn't give in he went to others to fulfill his needs." Shaking my head at the memory. "I felt bad so I became friends with her to try and maybe get her away from him to soften the blow.

Fatin Hm's to indicate that she's listening.

"One day we went to a bowling alley to hang out and after a while we were just talking and suddenly when I looked at her I just felt... different about her."

"So why aren't you together then?" Fatin asks.

"Well living in Texas and everyone we know being the most homophobic people ever." I explain. "Not to mention Shelby herself thinks that being gay is one of the worst things that can ever happen to someone."

After a few moments of silence I finally speak, "We should head back, Its getting late."

We walk back to camp in an awkward silence. When we get back Shelby is very obviously ignoring me. The conversation dies down and everyone goes to sleep except me and Shelby so I go up to her to try and talk things out.When she sees me approach she starts to walk away.

"Okay what is going on? you've been ignoring me since I got back from the water run. What's wrong?"

" Why do you care? Shouldn't you be hanging with Fatin anyways?" She says snarkily.

"what's that supposed to mean?"

"I mean it's pretty obvious you're close. You sure you aren't in love with her or something." She replies.

"I'm definitely not but what would be the problem if I was?"

Shelby pauses and looks at the ground.

"You're jealous? Aren't you?"

"Maybe. Maybe I like you and it's so obvious that you just don't feel the same." Shelby says nervously almost disgusted with herself.

" And how do you know that? Hm? I mean just a few hours ago I was spilling my guts out to Fatin about how much I'm in love with you."

"Wait, Really?"

"Is it really not obvious? Who wouldn't be in love with someone like you?" I say.
I went to walk away after a lack of a reply when suddenly the blonde turns me and kisses me with so much passion that it was intoxicating.

"I love you too." Shelby says with a big smile.

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