The lonely Little Girl

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It was a dark, evil, blinded night on a day of full moon when I first saw her, when I first saw the strange, mysterious, ghostly figure that stay stood in the middle of a completely desolate, fog filled, terrifyingly dark field. All on her own jus standing there but staring over to me, staring right into my confused, scared little eyes as if to wait for my reaction. The figure was of a small height and looked like an innocent little 8 year old girl. While Dressed in this long blindingly white nightie that reached her ankles, she looked so innocent and soft but little did I know......

Little did I know that this figure would be so terrifying on the inside, so terrifying I could barely sleep for weeks and everytime I closed my eyes I could see her, I could see her every step and she slowly but eventually crept towards me while her long, straight black hair blew in the wind which covered her face always. Each step I was getting more and more scared until one day I shut my eyes.

I shut my eyes.

All I could see was her, right up against me. I tried to run. I tried to move but no matter where I went or how far I travelled I would mysteriously make my way back to her as if I was jus running in circles. As if I was in an endless loop in a nightmare. The worst nightmare I had ever experienced, except it was real, I had really seen this girl and couldn't escape the fate I was due to have and so I accepted it. I accepted it until the horrors of this night got worse.

Later that night I started to see things no man or women should ever have to see. I started seeing the worst of images that could never leave my mind, that still don't leave my mind after all these terrible, horrifying years of suffering and paranoia. All the years I have been seeing these images, I had been seeing....

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