Part 1

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Third year. I hate Draco and he hates me. I'm on the train with my sister, Hermione granger. She's the smartest in the school. Ron and Harry are also there. It's our fourth year going to Hogwarts. I was exited. I was sorted into Slytherin, that's the only bad part.

"How's Slytherin going?" Ron asks. "Fine, how's Gryffindor?" I ask. "Very good!! We haven't broken rules in 2 years!!" Ron says. "My house hasn't broken rules since last year" I say. I let out a chuckle. So does my sister Hermione. We finally arrive at Hogwarts

I bump into Malfoy. "Look who it is, filthy mudblood. Cant even look at you." Draco says. "I can't even look at you" I say rolling my eyes. "Go tell your minions to get you a good comeback Draco." I say. I sit down next to pansy. "Nice one y/n" she says. I laugh and the first years step up into sorting. I feel eyes on me. I turn to The golden trio and no one. I turn to pansy and no. I turn no Draco and there we are, locking eyes. We both snap out of it and look away. I look at the first years and dream about Draco's beautiful blue eyes. They where as bright as the sky. Couldn't keep my eyes away from his. I had to keep myself from looking at him. I couldn't though. I looked at Draco, who's back was turned to look at the first years. Crabbe and goyle caught me staring.   "Staring at my boss?" Goyle says. I look at goyle. "Your boss?? He tells you what to do? Oh sucks to be you. Always hanging out with Malfoy. Ha" I laugh. "You wish you would always hang out with him" goyle snickers. I was about to punch him when Draco pulls goyle away. "Let's trade seats." Draco says. So now, he's sitting right in front of me. How am I supposed to not look at him?!! He was right In front of me!! My leg starts shaking. I put my hand on my knee to make it stop but it doesn't. I just ignore it but pansy doesn't. "You okay y/n?! Your leg is shaking crazy-" Pansy says. "Yes yes I'm okay" I say. It finally starts to calm down. I sigh and Dumbledore announces some stuff. When he's done, I eat. I finish after a few minutes and walk to the common room. I say the password "pureblood". It lets me in though it feels wrong to say it.  I walk up to the dormatories. I get In my shorts and hoodie. I get in my bed, and pansy comes in. "Blaise held my hand!! Blaise held my hand!!" She says. "Nice.. I almost was asleep" I say tiredly. "Oh and by the way, I overheard Blaise talking to Draco that he's starting to have feelings for you. Draco was like omg Blaise I think I have feelings for granger and Blaise was like which one and Draco was like y/n and I ran as fast as I could" she says. I open my eyes fully. "Really?!" I say in a exited tone. "Do you have feelings for him..." she asks. "Pfttt whatttt" I say "ok I do" I say. She widens her eyes at me. She gets changed. Well we are going to have nice husbands right?" She says. She jumps in her bed. "Not really nice, but hot I suppose" I say tiredly. "You think Draco's hot?!!" Pansy says. "Maybe.... I do-" I say. She laughs. "Oh y/n.." I fall asleep.

Next morning I get dressed in my cloak and my skirt with a shirt and tie. I put on clear mascara and fix my hair into a low ponytail.  Pansy comes out of the loo all fixed up. "Took you long enough to wake up." She says. I chuckle. "Sorry, let's get going shall we?" I say. She nods. I open the door and let her pass, and close the door behind me. We walk down to the common room. I open the common room door again for pansy an let her pass. "Where's Blaise?!" She says. "We aren't in the great hall yet, calm down.." I say. I chuckle as we are rushing down the stairs. "So about your confession last night.." Pansy says. The stairs move so we wait. "Oh yeah what about it?" I say. We go back rushing down the stairs. "Was it true? Or where you just tired?" She asks. "About Draco right?" I ask. We are standing outside the great hall. Pansy walks in and I follow her. "Yes about Draco, was it true?? Do you-" I cover her mouth before Draco can hear. "He's over there now shush" I whisper to her. "And yes it's true." I say. I sit next to Draco and not Goyle. "Awe I can't punch Goyle today.." I say in a sad tone. Draco turns to me. "You wanted to punch him?" He asks. "Yes, he's annoying. And weird" I say. Draco looks at me with a serious look trying not to laugh. He breaks and bursts out into laughter. I laugh with him, as the food appears. "You are right though.." Draco says to me. I nod and eat. He chuckles and continues eating. As I'm done, goyle gets my hand when I stand up. "Let me go ugly ass" I say. "Why should I?" He asks. "I'll punch you" I say. He widens his eyes and lets me go. "Aweee" i say. I laugh and walk to potions.

As I'm walking, Draco caught up to me. "Hey" he says. "Hello Malfoy" i say. "You mad at me?" He says. "I'm always mad at you Draco" I say sarcastically. He chuckles and I giggle. I walk into potions, my favorite class. I sit next to Draco. Snape then proceeds to tell us about the tri wizard tournament. He explains to us how deadly these are and why only 17+ are allowed. He then gets on topic. "Now today I am assigning a project. You must do it with the person you are sitting next to." I look and it's Draco. I roll my eyes and Draco just gives me a annoyed look. We both look away and pay attention to class.

At lunch, I sit next to Draco again. "So you come over to my dorm for the project right?" Draco says. "I guess" I complain. He chuckles knowing I like being pared with him.

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