11:11(Austin Mahone FanFic)

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So,um I wrote this story last year,It's not as good as Its sequeal (Say Somethin(11:11 sequel) ) But I'm posting it anyway..

Note:in the story the crew isn't really friends,you'll see what I mean...

It was a rainy cold afternoon I was walking to Bethany's house after school ....alone,because Tiffanie wasn't at school today.

Then suddenly I see a shadow ,a  silhouette coming closer towards me.Then I realise it was Austin on his skateboard.

''Hello Emma'' he spoke with a sweet warm tone,as he got off it.

"Austin,what are you doing here?'' I asked.,

''I'm on my way to the skatepark.."

''Oh.." Really? He had just told me a full sentence and i respond with one simple syllable?!

"Ok fine,I lied ,. Emma I wasn't going to the skatepark..in fact I was looking for you ..." he blushed.

''You were?"

"Yes,you see, ever since I saw you.....I knew I had to get to know you'' he said as he got closer.

"'Austin, I-"

"Shhh!", he put his finger on my lips.

"Its kinda hard to kiss someone who's talking..."

He winked ,then he lean towards me..his lips just inches away and-

beep beep Beep Beep BEEP BEEP BEEEPPP!!!

WTF?!oh...just another dream and 6:30!,got to get ready for school...

*At school*

I walk in english and see,Robert  and Autum, hugging and cuddling.

"No PDA!" I say jokingly.

They look at me,then at each other as if interchanging thoughts and with a smile they chase me around the class laughing and screaming.

"Settle down class!"says our teacher,we take our seats as I notice Robert and Autum seating and holding hands .

Im happy their happy but seriously how long will it last?School relationships don't last long.Thats why no matter how

Hot, flawless, understanding, popular, kool ,sweet ,smexy ,cute ,talented Austin is I....What was i saying ..oh yes, I won't allow myself to get into something just to end up hurt.

*Later at lunch*

Bethany-Hey did you hear about the new boy?

Tiffanie & Me- What new boy!?,we said almost falling out of our seat.

Sophie-Shesh!guys calm down!

Bathany-He's in my Math class.

Tiffanie-Is he cute?!

Me-What's his name?!

Sophie-Guys chill!,He's not the last chocolate cookie!

Bethany-his like a 9!

Just then Robert came and sat down holding Autum's hand.

Robert-You rate guys!?How dare you put numbers on people?! .he said jokingly acting hurt

Me-Calm down drama queen!

Sophie-Yeah,like you never rated girls!

Robert-well...-Autum gave him a look that said ,you better not say that!

Tiffanie-Wait ,wait you guys,you're forgetting the most important thing of all !


Tiffanie-What the new boy's name??!

Autum-Haha!,I was getting ready for a speech ..

Sophie-From Tiffanie a speech?!Yeah right!

Bethany-His name is Tyler

Robert-Hmm...why does that name sound so familiar?..............................................


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