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is its suffocating me The urge to run away is becoming too much though I know it is of no gain



I don't know if it is real or it is all in my mind I no longer know which voice to believe in at all cause my heart is in pain

When she opened the door she could not let go of the feeling of uncertainty in her gut. She was jealous of the other girl in his house. He looked at her as if he was not certain of what to say or do with the both girls in the house. Xenia felt as if her heart was being squeezed in her chest by an unknown force of which she could not control at all. He introduced her like she a mere acquaintance, the dominant part of her was not happy at all because she thought she meant more to him than just a trainee. Maybe she was wrong to trust him at all but a small part of her told her there must be an explanation to all of it.

Leon was confused when Xenia walked into his house and her angelic face looked confused, he had to deal with Clarisse first and clear the misunderstanding he thought he caused ninin him and his mates in a bawling game the next weekend. He only had  invited her just to get Andrew off his back since he had a mega crush on her since junior school. He had to deal with her out of Xenia's earshot. Which was a big deal to Xenia since she knew Clarisse had unhealthful obsession with Leon.

All Xenia wanted was to wrap her hands around Clarisse's neck and strangle her until she could not breath at all. Her man was out boundaries and Clarisse knew it so well. So whatever game she was playing at she better keep her hands to herself since Xenia would not be held

"Leon why do you keep leading her on and we both know you still in love with me?' Clarisse purred in Leon's ear once they were outside in the foyer. Leon could not hold back his amusement when Clarisse said he was in love with her, "you think it is funny having some bitch in your house while am still here waiting for you to realize you making a mistake and come crying to me when she breaks your heart?"

'That's where you making a mistake Clarisse, whatever you think is there between us Is nothing to me so stop getting over your head already." Leon retorted back clearly annoyed by Clarisse's nagging. Whatever was going on between him and Xenia was none of her fucking business and she had no right to talk about Xenia that way. "I only invited you to join the guys on the bawling game because the guys wanted some company to hang out with next week so whatever you have in your mind you better forget about it because I would never be with you. "Leon did notwant to hurt her feelings because he is not always an asshole.

Xenia had had enough of sitting down and watch that dam girl flirt with him and do nothing about it. "when we slept together......."Were the first words that hit Xenias ears the moment she opened the adjoining door to the foyer. Her body tensed, almost paralyzing by the shock that hit her and the pain in her chest. Leon had not told her about her and clearly she had feelings for him. Leon had not heard the door behind him being opened until he heard a gasp behind him. She looked pale as if she had seen a ghost when Leon turned around to look at her. The hurt in her face tugged him hard in the chest since he had promised himself not ever put that look on her face ever again. Leon had not registered Clarisse's hand that were snacked around his torso until he followed Xenias gaze which was now fixed hard on Clarisse's hand around him.

After she registered from the shock all she felt was anger, she was angry she let herself believe she could love again, angry at Leon for leading her on while sleeping with the bitch beside him, angry for not being able to hate him and angry for loving him. She was hurt beyond was boiling with wrath of vengeance to her broken heart. She only registered her action the moment she felt her hand sting. She had slapped Leon on his cheek. Leon didn't have time to explain to Xenia what was happening or remove Clarisse's hand from his torso before he felt a sharp sting on his cheek. Clarisse had a satisfied smirk, with the two lovebirds fighting she could have a chance to try her luck with Leon

'I thought you were different but I can see you just a lying snake, how could you do such thing to me?' she did not give him time to explain to her what was happening she did the only thing she was good at when facing her own demons she ran. Out of his house and probably out of his life. So she thought.

Leon was shocked the moment Xenia slapped him hard on his cheek. Her words registered the moment the front door was slummed shut. All that was in his mind was that Xenia had walked out of his house reason been she thought he was sleeping with Clarisse she did not give him time to explain himself. He took a step towards the front door only to be stopped by Clarisse's hand around him. 'Let her go Leon she doesn't deserve you, am dam sure you can do far better than that scum' Clarisse whined to Leon trying to stop him from going after Xenia. She would be dammed

to let them be together while she still pinned over Leon

"I Swear to God I will damage that fake face of yours if you say one more bitchy word towards my girlfriend' Leon seethed clearly annoyed by her. 'And get your filthy ass out of my dam house before am forced to throw you outside and trust me you won't like it.' He unlatched himself from her hands and walked straight to his bar and poured himself his father's 25 year old scotch draining it in one might gulp. He did not care the way it burned his throat. His heart was aching, he needed his girl to comfort him, to be held in her arms, and he needed peace which only Xenia could give him. He had to find her and make things right with her for good, he had to tell her everything. His mind was made up, no more secrets.

She was confused, she was hurt, she was broken, she was lost and most of all she was angry. She did not know where she was heading to, she just let her legs lead her. Tears had already stopped and all she was left with was a dry throat and hiccups. She registered her surroundings the moment she stopped at the park, she had gone to the swings where her mother used to take her when she was young and happy.  Not anymore since her departure

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