Part 1 The End

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I was there. After all this time I was searching and I finally found her. The orphanage just looked like a peaceful flat. The children must be inside. I really wished I was inside as well. Out of all my time taking down a criminal empire I had never recalled being as scared as this. Scared but also excited, I whispered into my ear piece, 'This is it, Player, I'm finally going to meet my Mother.'

'Go for it, Red. I'm here for you.'

'Thanks Player.'

Heart beating and palms sweaty, I approached the door. I looked down at my feet, How they longed to stop walking and run away. At long last I reached the door and knocked. It wasn't too long before someone answered the door. 'Hello.' She greeted. I could see My own eyes, like a mirror looking into the future. She had bushy grey hair with streaks of ruby tied back into a pony tail. Her eyes were cloudy grey but comforting, like looking out the window into a storm after you had a drought. 'Mother.' I answered. She looked at me puzzled. 'Sorry, I'm not your Mum.' I passed her the Russian nesting dolls. She was speechless, I could tell by her expression. 'Where did you get those.' She asked, not taking her eyes off of the burnt doll. ' You gave it to me.'

A tear rolled down her cheek, 'Camila?' 

'If that is my name.'

She leaped at me nearly suffocating me in what I assumed was a hug. 

'I thought I lost you, what happened? I'm so sorry. How did you survive?'

'I'll tell you over a cup of tea, may I?'

I entered the orphanage, It was pleasantly warm and cozy. I explained how Shadowsan took me in and how I lived at V.I.L.E all these years and how I became Carmen. Carmen Sandiego. 

'That sounds awful, did you have any friends.'

'Yeah, Player, Ivy, Zack and ...'

A pit just opened in my stomach, consuming my insides and burning a hole in my heart. At least that's what it felt like. 'Graham.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2021 ⏰

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