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⚠️⚠️ Please Read!!

Hi Everyone!

Okay so I've never written a story before and I wanted to give it a try.

They most important thing I want to get out of this is the readers comments. I'd love to hear any suggestions, ideas or constructive criticism you may have.

I will not tolerate rude or offensive comments directed to me or other readers.

I've read so many 5sos fan fiction medical books that I'm sure quite a few parts of my book will be similar because the other books were my inspiration. I'm not trying to copy any books, I'm trying to mix my ideas with the inspiration gained from other books together to create a new story.

I'll try and update frequently and I will let you know later on when I'll be updating or any other info.
Please be aware, the book may contain offensive language or sensitive subjects.

Please keep the book friendly and I would really appreciate your comments.

Please Vote and Comment!



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