Please read

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If you feel like life isn't worth it anymore, please just read this. I know that feeling, and it's honestly the worst feeling in the world. That feeling of empty, alone-ness. Like no one else can even hear a single thing you say, or even see you. Like you're invisible. And sometimes it's completely the opposite and you know that people notice you, but they don't see what you're going through. You wish they would just ask how you're doing, or if everything's okay. You long for someone to ask you if you're okay, but they don't. And sometimes when they do, you tell yourself to tell them what's wrong, but you just end up saying "I'm fine" or "I'm just tired".

I know that sometimes, you feel like they would just be burdened if you told them what you're going through. And I'm here to say: if they say that you're a burden or you're stupid to be sad or depressed, or that "happiness is a choice" or any of that stupid crap, then they're and idiot. What you're going through might affect you immensely, or it might not. Different people are bothered or hurt or depressed by different things. You're pain or depression is valid. You are human, and humans feel stuff like sadness and depression. And that's okay. Sadness is an important feeling. Depression isn't a choice, no one chose to be depressed. It was just put on us and we were expected to just get over it.

What I'm trying to say is please don't just give up. Please don't decide that life isn't worth it anymore. Please keep going. Keep living. Stay alive. Yes, life is hard, and sometimes it just keeps getting harder and harder to tell yourself "stay alive", but if you're able to keep going and keep living, you will be so much happier later on. I know life seems like it's gonna be bad and stay bad forever, but it will get better, I promise. You'll move out of your bad house, you'll find good/better friends who are actually there for you, you'll find someone who cares. You will feel better. I promise. Maybe not soon, it might take a while to work through the hard stuff. But please don't give up. Because life is worth it. I've gone through a lot in my life, and some of it has been really really bad and I thought that was the end and that that moment was when I'd be saying goodbye to everyone. But I made it through that, and that was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I was the one who was making the decision to either live or die. And I kept thinking and in the end decided that I need to stay alive for my family and friends. My best friend told me "Just keep going. I know things are bad right now, but things will get better. Your mom and dad will work it out, and it'll be better again.
Just keep holding on." And what she said honestly is the reason I'm still alive. And I know that not everyone has that person in their life to tell them that, so I'll be that person for you.

Please, just keep holding on. For me. I may not know your name or who you are, but I love and care about you. Your life is valuable and important. You can make it through whatever life throws at you. I believe in you will everything in me. I know you can make it. So just keep holding on. Just make it through one day at a time. Just tell yourself to make it until tomorrow, and say that every day. And soon, it'll get easier to make it through. Soon, you'll feel better. Soon, you'll be okay again.

I love you and I hope this helped you with whatever you are going through.

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