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Hanging on my walls
Hundreds upon hundreds
Wearing them all the time
Is tiring me out

No one knows the real me
I never take them off
I don't even know mysel
Who I am or what I want
But some things will never change
All of these masks

Some might catch glimpses
But most of them are fake
People think they see me
But all they see is fake
My friends don't even know me
They think that they get in
But all they see is mask number 17

My layers upon layers
Is keeping everyone out
Hope they'll last forever
But knowing they won't

If I took the masks off
Who would I then see
Who would the person behind be
Would they like him
Or would they not
Would they just see me as a faggot

No, I will keep them on
I'm not ready yet
To take them all of
Will take some respect
I will keep them on for the time being
Waiting for the day they'll burn away

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