Why does the world seem so against me?

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POV- shotaro

Mum was sitting there smiling at me without any care in the world, she was telling me about her headband and how she will never know the colour of it since she was a mono just like me, that's when I felt as if I was drowning and I woke up with sweat all over me again.
I got out of my bed and I went downstairs where I can see my auntie sleeping on the couch I decided I won't wake her up, I sit down on the floor leaning on the same couch my auntie is sleeping on I picked up the tv remote and I turned it on to look at the news.

Tv- A mono kidnapped his probe and murder her due to his obsession, when will this stop?

The news report said, this is why us monos are feared because when we met our probe we become obsessed and the obsession will never stop until something bad happens that's why I fear to met my probe but meeting them is really rare, I felt my auntie snatch the tv remote from my hand and she turned off the tv.

Auntie- shotaro you should really stop looking at those stuff. You know most of these aren't true, they do this most of the time to avert attention from the actually issue.

My auntie kept on talking and I felt myself stop paying attention, I look down to see transfer papers on the table.

Shotaro - oh I'm transferring again?

Auntie- yeah it's an all boys school and make sure to not get any trouble in this one okay taro!

I saw her get up and walk to the kitchen and I slipped back into my thoughts again, in my last school I punched a guy because he kept on teasing me about being a mono.

The Next morning

My auntie was driving me to my new school.

Shotaro - auntie are going to be looking for Mum again?

Auntie- yes I'm going to dig dig dig and dig dig dig until I find something.

Auntie dropped me off and I walked into school.

Some time later!

I went into class where the teacher told me to introduce myself to the classroom.

Shotaro- hi my name is shotaro!

The teacher looked at me and said is that all?

Shotaro- yeah!

Teacher- okay you can go see next to the class president. Class President please Put your hand up.

I saw the hand go up and I walked towards him and sit down next to him.

?? - hi my name is haechan and I'm the class president obviously. This guy that's sleeping is sungchan.

??- hi I'm mark, what about you?

Shotaro- my name is shotaro!

Haechan- hey are you a Kpop trainee as will

Shotaro- as will ?

Haechan- his guy right here is one too!

Mark- shh haechan!

Haechan- will he is wearing a mask all the time since he's  A K-pop trainee and he says it's fashion!

Mark - grandpa said it's a good thing he's wearing it today!

Haechan - oh the old man tell him I said hi!

Shotaro- who's that?

But i was ignored by them both.

Sungchan- don't let them bore you with that story!

As soon as I looked into his eyes I fell into a never ending hole. We kept on looking at each other's eyes like there is no tomorrow!

Sungchan - you really pretty, tell me which kpop entertainment you are under, i know which ones that are bad and which is good so tell me!

Shotaro- I'm not a kpop trainee.

All of them looked at me puzzled.

Sungchan- are you kidding with me ?

And the teacher walked I never got to answer that question.

Some time later 

During the lunch break I got up and I started looking at a art poster but all I can see is gray, white and black.

Sungchan- are you sure you're not a Kpop trainee?

He Startled me but I didn't show that and I kept on looking at the poster.

Shotaro- no

Sungchan- athlete?

Taro- no, I just want to live a normal life no Fame.

Chan- with that pretty face you want to live a normal life.

I had the urge to look at him and as soon as I turned to face him I saw that he had taken off his mask and a sudden rush of color went through my eyes and the last thing I could see was those beautiful caramel eyes of my probe!! And than everything around me turned black.!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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