The Bite-Chapter 10

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The Bite-Chapter 10
Recap: ""I think I have a crush on Remus" The clearly distressed boy said to the Malfoy heir."

Draco gasped as Harry hid his face in to his knees. Draco quickly regained himself "h-how do you know? Has it always been there?" The boy asked. To which Harry sighed "the butterflies started in third year but they were small and barely there but I always knew they were there and they just grew fast at the end of fifth year at the ministry...." Harry trailed off.

Draco rubbed his back sympathetically. Harry told him all about the department of mysteries and how he lost sirus. Harry looked up at him "d-do you think I'm weird for that dray?" He asked in a small weak voice that was on verge of tears. Draco sighed "no hazza I will never abandon you not now, not ever" he started and that made Harry smile and lean into him "I-I know this may sound weird but I can just tell he's an alpha" Harry said.

Draco giggled "no I think it may be your wolf sense or you can tell because your an omega!~" Draco's sing-songish voice chirped. Making Harry giggle "Shut up weirdo, well anyway I should head off to bed" Harry said patting Draco's knee as he stood up. The raven haired boy the stalked off to his dorm.

When he landed on his bed he instantly fell asleep. Only to be woken up four hours later by Draco "come on Harry we're almost late!" Draco said impatiently Harry groaned and sat up. "I fucking hate lycanthropy" he mumbled getting up and getting dressed. He and Draco then rushed to transfiguration.

"Well boys so nice of you to drop in" McGonagall said staring at them. "S-sorry p-profes-sor accidentally slept a little to long after the moon" Harry panted out to which the transfiguration professor nodded and pointed to the board that was filled with magical theory on transfiguration. So Draco and Harry sat down and started to copy it for the first 15 minutes of class. Then McGonagall stood at the front of the classroom getting everyone's attention. "Okay now that you all have hopefully memorized the theory behind this let's practice okay?" She said.

"OI POTTER HOW WAS YOUR MOONLIGHT STROLL HUH?! Have fun Wolfie?! Aroo!" He shouted and started to make howling sounds Harry just scoffed "if your going to mock me Weasley at least learn to howl first now stop disrupting the class please just seeing you gives me a headache we don't really need to add onto the one I already have" he said glaring at the red headed boy.

McGonagall was shocked "w-Weasley 20 points from griffindor for mocking another student with a disease and detention tonight" she said not noticing the flinch Harry gave at the word disease.

It was now lunch and Harry just sat there picking at his food. The other slytherin's trying to get some food in him until Snape has to come down and talk to him. "Potter what has gotten into your head that makes you lose your appetite?" He said Harry sighed "d-do you think mum dad would be disappointed I'm in slytherin?" He asked stabbing the bread with a vengeance "o-or that I'm a werewolf" he added letting a single tear roll down his cheek. Snape sighed he knew this subject would come up sooner or later. But he put a brave face on "Potter why don't you come with me to my office so we can talk about this hm?" He asked to which Harry nodded standing up and following Snape until he led him into his office. "Sit down child" he said and so Harry followed the command sitting into the empty chair.

"Now I can't speak exactly for your father but I know your mother wouldn't have cared as long as you were safe" he said softly "but I know your father did mature quite a bit after marriage to your mother so all in all I don't think that they would care" Snape said gently looking into Harry's face "now as for the whole werewolf thing do you really James and Lilly would have cared they were best friends with lupin you know the one you spend every moon with" Snape said and Harry froze "h-how do you know I spend the moons with Remus?" Harry asked weakly "hm you really think I would have let one of my students go through monthly transformations in a dangerous forest without me seeing you off?" Snape said with a smirk. This caused Harry to blush a bit "y-you really don't have to sir" he said picking at his thumb "now now I will I don't need you getting hurt" he said and Harry nodded "now best head off to lunch and please try to eat not just sit there stabbing the poor bread" he said dismissing Harry.

The boy walked back to the great hall and slinked in into his seat and ate a few bites of food and a whole bowl of soup. Harry sighed as lunch ended he had to go to potions with griffindor but begrudgingly Harry made his way to the potions classroom that was taught by Professor Slughorn this year. When Harry walked in he was instantly hit with the smell of the forest and chocolate. Harry quickly made his way over to Draco "hey uh Draco why does the classroom smell like the forest and chocolate?" Harry asked his chaotic friend. Draco looked at him with a smile of sorts "Harry we're brewing amortenta today it's a powerful love potion that makes you smell the person you desire the most" Draco explained

Harry faceplamed and got to work. So when he finally got to leave that class he left with a glare towards Slughorn and left. His mood didn't improve but he hide it well. At dinner he just had potato soup with bread. He didn't feel like talking and everyone could sense it so they didn't bug him and let him do his own thing. When they got to the common room he just flopped down on his bed and just stared at a picture of the marauders. He sighed "why can't I have a normal life?" Harry questioned "because your bloody Harry Potter" Draco said causing Harry to laugh a little. "So Harry who smells like the forest and chocolate?" Theo asked and Harry blushed "r-Remus" Harry muttered.

The sliver trio smirked at the poor raven haired boy. Harry just groaned and rolled his eyes flipping to a side where he couldn't see them. But Draco had other plans "oh harry it's okay" Draco said flopping onto Harry. Draco being the prat that he is started to tickle Harry relentlessly. This made Harry laugh loudly unable to control it. Once he started to cough was the cue Draco took to stop he looked at Harry "you alright mate?" He asked. Once Harry was done with his coughing fit he looked at Draco with a smirk. He then launched at Draco and started to tickle him "Yeah just getting my revenge" The boy said getting up from tickling the laughing blonde.

Harry smirked and grabbed a book "next time you tickle me don't expect me to not bite back" Harry said walking out into the common room and found Blaise Zambini "Hey Blaise" Harry said flopping down next to the grey-eyed boy. Blaise laughed "what, what's so funny?" Harry asked "y-your hair is like sticking up" Blaise said chuckling. Harry rolled his eyes then smirked "hey Blaise wanna round up Draco Theo and pansy and go explore the castle before crefew?" Harry asked Blaise shared a similar smirk with Harry "sure pansy is in the library so let's round the boys up and find pansy" he said getting up Harry followed him smirking. Once the got to the boys dorm they immediately found Theo and Draco. So it's only natural Blaise managed rope them in on the plan. The group headed down to the library were they found Hermione and pansy reading together. The boys smiled "hey Hermione, Pansy wanna come explore the castle with us?" Blaise asked with the trademark slytherin smile. The girls giggled

"sure why not it'll be fun" pansy said smiling. Hermione rolled her eyes while smiling "fine I guess" she said joining the group of slytherin's. They all left the library and started to look for a place to explore "hm oh harry do you think you can get us into the chamber of secrets?" Draco asked. Harry scratched the back of his neck "no dumb-as- a-door sealed it up in third year" he said sadly Blaise was thinking then an idea popped into his head "what about the room of requirement? Eh show us some D.A moves" Blaise said Harry smiled "that's a great idea follow me" Harry said as he started to walk faster towards the R.O.R. Harry was smiling when they got in and the slytherin's we're exploring the room. Draco found a bored that had different photos on it.

Draco was looking at the photo until he saw red hair he picked it up. He then realized it was a photo of Harry and Ron "Hey Harry do you want this photo?" He asked showing the green eyed child. Who upon seeing the photo instantly froze up "no I don't" he said letting his smile drop and crossing his arms as he lent against a wall. After a while they all decided to go back to the common room because (1 there was nothing else to do in the R.O.R. Plus Harry wasn't having fun anymore.

A/n: yay! Chapter ten sorry it's not to long I was trying to make it longer I really was but you guys deserve another chapter!

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