Chapter 1

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Love, a term, that makes me feel a million things when I think about it. I believe it is not such a happy word as it seems to be. With joy it brings sorrow, with companionship it brings compromise and with perfection, it brings the ability to destroy in a way you couldn't even possibly imagine. If it is right, it will take you to heaven, give you ride in the paradise, you will feel like you're on cloud nine, but if it is wrong, it drags you to the hell of agony.

My ex, Lucho, he never treated me well. He treated me like a shit for the two years when we were together. He used to humiliate me in front of our friends and criticize me for everything. I don't even remember how many time he made scenes in the public places and argued or raised his voice. He wasn't even there to support me emotionally after my father died. It has been four months since we broke up but still I haven't gotten over him. I don't know if it was love I had for him or all the emotional abuse I'm trying forget. But how can it be love when there is no respect for the other person? At least I used to believe that I was in love with him and gave him many chances. Maybe, I was wrong.

"Maybe the heart cracks to empty itself of things I no longer need to feel.
And it's become obvious that I no longer need to feel for you."

Valentina has been sitting in the park for the past two hours, thinking about how cruel her life is. When she was young, she lost her mother and a few months back, she lost her father too. She only feels emptiness in her heart and has been feeling the heaviness of missing her father, wishing he was here. She didn't even notice that a girl is observing her. Maybe, sometimes, sadness means that you are cut off from the existence. But a sudden voice brings her back to the reality. "Are you okay?" A girl asked. Valentina looked up and her soft blue eyes met the brown eyes, and for a few minutes everything stopped. The girl was utterly breathtaking, the most beautiful face she had ever seen her in life.

Those brown eyes shone brightly, reflecting the warmth of the sun. They were such a unique colour. The deeper into brown eyes you stare, the more you realize how alluring her beauty is.

"Brown eyes met the blue eyes
And I had to wonder,
If you could possibly hear
How loud my heart was beating at that moment."

"Are you okay?" The girl asked again, "Do you need water or something?" Valentina was still staring at the girl in awe, she stammered, "N-no. I think, I-I'm fine, y-yeah I am" but still sobbing.

"But you don't seem fine, far from it" the other girl said. Valentina immediately felt a strange sensation that how a complete stranger recognizes her pain more than her own boyfriend did. She responded saying "Don't worry, I'm just having a hard time but I'm okay. Thank you." And then she saw the concern in the eye's of the other girl.

The brown eyed girl really didn't know why she approached the other girl, but the moment she saw her crying, she found herself walking towards the woman's direction. She sat beside her, handed her handkerchief causing the other woman to look at her, their eyes met and she almost drowned in the woman's eyes, deep blue eyes.

Her blue eyes were like diamonds and sparkled like a shooting star, they were like a beautiful ocean, that any person could get lost in for hours.

Her eyes, they were really a beautiful sight but painful. She didn't know why, but her chest tightened while staring at the woman with tears running down her cheeks. She could feel her pain through those deep blue eyes, penetrating her to the bone.

They've been staring at each other for a while, the other woman was still not accepting the handkerchief, and the girl could tell that the person in front of her was indeed the most prettiest woman she has ever seen, it's ethereal, just like her eyes.

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