Just an update cause im bored 😑

420 20 86

The title says it all 🙂


I wanted to do angst but.....

Jungkook's P.o.v

"Noo hyungiee no! I dont want horror!" I said while escaping from my boyfriend's grip "but this movie will be good,im sure you will like this movie" he said i whine more still escaping from his grip but he is too strong

Arghh i thought we will watch some romantic movie like couples do for their anniversary but this idiot choose horror for fuck sake he knows i dont want horror movies really bad boyfriend

We enter in now and sat at the back of the theater cause i dont know he wants to the back and blah blah

The movie starts now its "The Nun" (basically i haven't watch this horror movie but i watch some of the clips of that so...)

"Hyungiee i dont want this..." I whispered to taehyung and i clutch on his shirt but he just chuckled at me

"Chill babe lets just watch half of the movie and we are off to go now" he whispered to me and made me clutch to him more while shaking

Time skips [40 minutes past]

"Woah it's not even scary kookie" Taehyung said as we went out of the theater "not scary?! You called that movie not scary when i almost faint while watching it youu idiot" i said to him and walk away from him

that guy is an idiot

"Ah arraseo its scary for... Youuu" he whispered the last part in my ear and it made me smacked him in the chest "stop!" I whined " okay okay ill stop ill just buy you ice cream okay" [sana ol sinisuyo 😑🔪]

I nodded happily yeayy ice cream!

"What would you like?" He ask me " strawberry!" I said  he chuckled and ordered now

We ordered both strawberry and happily eat at the bench beside the mall

After eating the ice cream we talked some times and laugh too

"Yahh! Shh somebody  might hear you"  i said to him but he just smirked and whispered something to my ear which made me blush

[How did i ended writing that shit 😑🔪]

He was about to kiss me but i stopped him "Yah we are in public" i whispered at him and looked around to see if people see us "so what? We are couple we have the right to do what couples do" he said i rolled my eyes " yes we have the right but we are in public" i said

He just shrugged it off and then kisses me, the kiss was just slow but his kisses went to my neck and collarbone

"a-ah..h-hmm tae.." i moaned as he keeps sucking and biting my neck 

He stops and look at my neck and smirked "that's a good art work" he said i Blushed and smacked his head lightly but he just chuckled

Cringe 🔪🔪

Jungkook gasped as tae lifted him up to the kitchen counter "i dont want that to be my breakfast....... I want you" he said before kissing me roughly and--

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