Chapter I- News

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Trixia's POV

"Hurry up Benedict, let's go. I might be late for school." I shouted at my brother while waiting at the balcony.

He's only 6 years old I think and he's only on his first grade.

Everyday, I walk him to his school since it's only 3 blocks away and after that I would ride a cab to get to school.

"Oh baby, you forgot something". Mom said with a little frown on her face.

Ben hurriedly jumped to give mom a kiss while carrying his big backpack. It's an everyday routine actually. Me, on the other hand have not remembered kissing my mom goodbye ever since uhh.. well forever.

It just seems so awkward for me since she never really cared about me in any way. We just don't have that mother-daughter relationship y'know. She doesn't act like my mother anymore and I don't understand why. I think there's something going on between us that I can't figure out. It started when dad died three years ago. She started hating me and I don't even know what I did wrong.

Dad was the only one I could talk to. We were so close. We had that very cool father and daughter relationship. He taught me how to drive and we used to go on roadtrips or just go driving around town, and just hang out. That's why when he died, I was so heartbroken. I thought I have no reason to live anymore. I would just mope around. I would cry myself to sleep. Wouldn't eat. Wouldn't talk.

I was completely and utterly miserable.

I stopped talking to anyone. Even my friends, I ignored them all. But my friends sticked with me. They pushed themselves back to my life, literally pushed themselves in and gave me something, some reason to wake up every morning of every day. I'm glad I have friends who are always there for me through thick and thin.

My brother brought me back from my reverie when he nudged me softly and said, "Let's go?"

Ben started walking out with a little smirk on his face.

"Take care you two. Trixia, make sure you take your brother to school safely, okay?" Mom shouted while waving her hand and leaning towards the wall on the balcony.

"Okay mom" I said, quickly going after my brother who is already outside the door.

After a few minutes we are already outside Ben's school. I took him to his first class and immediately walked out of his school to go to mine.

I was waiting for a cab outside when I saw a man wearing a black shirt and a cap hiding behind the tree, staring at me and watching my every move. I stared at him for about three seconds when I heard someone calling my name.

"Trixia! It's nice to see you". Colleen shouted and gave me hug from behind. I gave her a quick glance and immediately looked back to the spot where the creepy stranger was standing but there was no sign of him anymore.

I ignored the goosebumps I suddenly had and just turned my attention to my friend instead. I hugged her back and I noticed Niña was standing right behind her, looking at her fingernails. She smiled at me and resumed picking at her red coated nails. She's kind of uhh, an outgoing type of girl.

She's wearing a black skirt and pink tops with her sneakers and her hair ponytailed. It's actually a bit freezing here outside so I just sticked to my black jeans and my comfortable plain white sweater along with my boots and a beanie on my brown wavy hair.

We were waiting for a cab when a black car stopped by in front of us. "Jump in, girls." the weird Ryan said smiling with his braces.

"Oh I didn't know he owned a fancy car." Colleen said with a confused look on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2015 ⏰

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