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Severus Was Just walking Around in the park to look for some things when he bumped into  someone.

“Watch where your going!” a fimilar vocie was it Lucius he couldn’t be to sure.

“Sorry... Sir”. Severus looked down

“It’s fine... Severus!?...” Lucius Looked at Severus As his Blue ISH-gray eyes Looked apond  Severus’.

“L-Lucius? I’m so sorry” Severus Looked down “I know you may not still forgive me....” Severus’ night Black sky eyes with almost no emotion in them looked up at Lucius.

“I may still be mad at you... But everyone deserves a second chance” Lucius’ words Made Severus’ heart melt.

“R-Really” Severus  was a little shocked but Happy.

“of course I’m glad I have  you back Severus” Lucius Smiled and Hugged Severus

Severus with no words Hugged Lucius back  Severus was delicate and warm

“how are you SO WARM I SWEAR TEACH ME” Lucius Is in disbelief

“Gotta be warm as shit   and YEAH that’s how” Severus replied and Lucius laughed

“saw that one coming” Lucius said and winked “wanna go get firewiskey then we can go to the manor” Lucius  knows Severus Loves fire whiskey and smiled

“HELL YEAH and Sure” Severus smiled and ran to the tree broomsticks

“Hello what do you want” the barista asked

“2 bottles of firewiskey” Lucius ordered and Smiled

“that will be 20 galleons please” The barista Said But

“alright” Lucius Gave the barista the 20  galleons and got the firewhiskey's and Left with Severus behind him

“Snivellus...” The barista Undid The disguise and it was James potter

“L-Lucius turn around” Severus asked in a Soft vocie

“What’s worng Severus..” Lucius Hugged Severus who was short as heck but he turned around and saw the barista “there’s no one” Lucius assured Severus

“I-I saw  J-James p-potter” Severus wouldn’t let go of Lucius

“what.. but he’s dead it’s just your  Imagination Severus”  Lucius said Trying to calm Severus down

“o-okay Lucius” Severus looked at Lucius And went close to him “it’s not my imagination tho....” Severus Thought to himself

“come on Severus you look cold” Lucius Wrapped his arm around Severus’ shoulder

“o-okay” Severus smiled and walked with Lucius

“Here Severus” Lucius Gave Severus a black Jacket with fur on it “wear it. It  will keep you warm” Lucius implied with a smile

“T-Thank you Lucius” Severus wore the jacket and felt so warm he could just fall asleep

“your welcome” Lucius smiled and saw how Severus Almost fell asleep “warm” Lucius said softly

Severus nodded

“were  almost there” Lucius looked at Severus linking his arm with Severus’  “you can stay in the manor With me if you want to” Lucius offered

“Yes sure” Severus Smiled

“We will share a  room  in the manor” Lucius said and Smiled

“O-okay” Severus said and then they reached the manor

Lucius opens the door and felt relaxed to be back  “so- do you still want to talk about how you saw James” Lucius asked

“The barista Was J-James L-Lucius” Severus  looked At Lucius worried

“as I said he’s dead.... But he may be a ghost...” Lucius Hugged Severus

Severus teared up a bit “i’m Scared L-Lucius” Severus said hugging back

“Shhhhhh I wont let him touch you Severus” Lucius said Smiling

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