𝟙| 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕕𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟

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"Thanks for picking me up," You said to Kuroo as you hopped into his dark-silver sports car and closed the door. "I though Kenma would've been done fixing my car by now but I guess not".

"Don't sweat it, your house is on the way to hq anyway." he said as he revved his engine and drove out of your apartment parking lot. "How have you been though? I feel like we haven't talked in forever" he slightly smiled as he glanced at you and then back at the road.

"I'm sorry it's just all of us have been swamped in work recently. It's a miracle to even get to any sleep these days," You sighed as you looked out the window seeing the scenery change from tall skyscrapers to townhouses and open land.

Kuroo thought to himself briefly, "I mean, there really isn't much you can do in a car, but I guess blasting some music may be fun," he said as he handed you his phone. "Play my hype playlist and blast that shit".

You listened and turned up the volume. Not long after the music started playing, Kuroo starting singing along with it and of course, you immediately regretted your decision. The rest of the ride was just filled with annoying screeching coming from Kuroo until you two finally drove up to hq.

As if the awkward stares coming from the others around Kuroo's car wasn't enough (probably because of how loud his music was), he obnoxiously decided to park right in front of the entry way. With his music still blasting, Kuroo hopped out of the car while you dragged behind and went up to a random unsuspecting intern.

"Hey you," he put his hand around the inters shoulder, "why don't you go park my car in slot J23, alright? Here," he shifted through his wallet and handed him $100, "take this and make sure you don't scratch my car" he winked. The intern stood there in shock before snapping out of it and heading over to the car.

Kuroo turned to you and met your angry eyes, only to break out in laughter. You let out a deep sigh, "Remind me never to ride with you again".

"Don't be like that, let me pick you up tomorrow too~" Kuroo joked as you both started walking towards the entrance.

"I'd rather crawl," You retorted, scanning your ID with the security guards posted out front.

The two of you continued into the big glass building, immediately being hounded by the stressful and busy atmosphere. Agents from across all departments were scattered about talking, trying to catch elevators, and heading to conference rooms to get debriefed on their next missions. Interns were also among the crowd following their assigned mentors or being completely entranced by the high-ranking spies as they passed by. Of course, this was nothing new to you and Kuroo, all you had to do was get where you needed to be. You two talked as you made your way to the exclusive section of hq where most of the top ranking spies in the agency had their offices and did their work. Not only that, this section was home to the tech development and weaponry divisions as well as the communication and data interpretation divisions. Just as you were about to part ways into your respective offices, you both heard someone yelling your names from down the hall.

"Kuroo, Y/N! I've been looking all over for you," the voice panted.

"Kiyoko... it's good to see you, what's up?" You said as you and Kuroo looked at her in confusion.

"The director wanted me to come find you guys and tell you to go conference room number one ASAP. The meeting was called about 5 minutes ago but I guess you two weren't in the building yet so you didn't hear" Kiyoko stated.

You and Kuroo looked at each other wide eyed. "Conference room one?" You two thought. That room was only used for classified discussions. Usually, board members and the director were the only ones allowed to go there, hence why you and Kuroo were so shocked.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2021 ⏰

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