She is I

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They think she fell, tripped, didn't mean to fall off the cliff. She went to visit every morning, she used to say she likes to watch the sunrise there. She said it was a perfect painting that even a storm couldn't ruin.

But she didn't fall. Didn't trip.

She jumped.

Now they wait. Wait for her. The girl with glasses. The girl wears a sweatshirt every day. That was smart and it sometimes seemed like she could solve any problem. But no one saw the problem beneath her eyes.

If you looked deep enough in her eyes, you would have seen emptiness. No emotions, only sadness. But she wore a pretend smile so well, no one thought to look past it. It didn't matter to look past it because she was strong. No matter how bad she was hurt, she got back up. So no one thought to look deeper. Deeper than the smile that fooled everyone.

She was labeled as strong because her heart was already shattered, so why not break it a little more? She wasn't afraid of death. But sometimes, if you tried hard enough, you could tell how she avoided it. The only problem is that the transition was so smooth no one thought twice about it.

So she jumped.

Solving the problem that no one saw.

She solved all of her problems.

Everyone else's too.


She jumped knowing that she would save everyone the trouble of solving her.

She jumped.

You might be asking yourself, well how?

How do you know this solved her problems?

Well of course I would.

She is I.

She is IWhere stories live. Discover now