Abusive partner

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Trigger warning: mental, physical and sexual abuse. Mention of self harm and suicide.

I was walking to my partner's house after I was done with school. I'd been in the UA hero class for 2 months now and I really enjoyed my time being there. Ever since I was younger I've always wanted to be a hero, it always seemed like such a cool job to me! So being in UA was just living my dream for me! When I arrived at my partner's house, they were already waiting outside for me. "Y/n, why are you so late? You said you'd be here at 4, it's 4:13 now!" "Sorry, I was having a talk with one of my classmates before leaving from school." "Get inside, it's getting cold." They said as we walked into their house. I greeted their mom, like I usually do. I find their mom a really nice person and I have a good bond with her! Then we walked upstairs to their room. "Say, y/n.. Do you still love me?" They suddenly asked while sitting down on their bed and tapping the spot next to them, signing I should sit down there. "That's a weird question. Of course I do!" I said, while sitting down next to them. "Then why don't you show it? Every time you come over to place, you tell me you're not in the mood! If you love me, I want you to prove it to me." I was kind of surprised by that, I knew they sometimes tend to say some weird stuff. About me not loving them, or that I needed to show more affection. But proving myself? They've never asked that before. "Prove myself..? How do I do that? I love you!" I said, and gave them a soft and gentle kiss. "Show it to me then." They said while pulling me on their lap, trying to take my shirt off, kissing me deeply. I broke the kiss and tried to get off their lap. "I'm not really in the mood right now, I had a long day at school and I'm really tired.." I told them while they're holding me down on their lap. "I knew it! You don't love me! Come on babe. If you love me, prove it to me." They said while kissing my neck. I looked to the side and looked kind of upset. "Really.. I'm not in the mood right now.. maybe later..?" They suddenly grabbed hold of my face and made me look at them."If you love me I want you to show me. Now. It's either that or I'll break up with you." A tear slowly started rolling down my face. I really didn't want this, I was way too tired of the training today and I wasn't really feeling comfortable anymore. "P-please let go of me.." I said softly, kinda scared of what was going to happen. "You ungrateful bitch! I've done everything for you and this is what I get in return!?" They slapped me in the face and pushed me off of them onto the bed. My heart was pounding, I was so scared. I sat up, only to get pushed down again, being pinned down on the bed. "P-please stop.." I almost begged while struggling to get free. "No, you're going to get punished for what you did. I'm going to put some manners into you, you have to listen to me! If I ask for proof, I want you to prove it! Understood?" They said while unbuttoning my pants. They then pulled down, my undies following short after. I started crying and decided to just stay silent from then on. They fucked me, for what felt like hours, I just wanted someone to get me away from this, it hurt. I didn't want this to happen at all, not again. They've already hurt me so many times! I didn't want it anymore! But I was too scared to step out of the relationship, what would they do after I left them, would they still try and get to me? To hurt me more? Would they hurt themselves, maybe even end their life? No. I decided I should just stay with them. For the better.

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