First Meet Me

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Hi, my name is Julia. I am a young teen who feels as though I don't fit in with the rest of the world. I have thin brown hair that is usually worn in a high ponytail. I usually tend to stick with trendy clothes but your basic white T and jeans will always do the trick.

I will always be the one to come through when you are in a rough situation. That being said I am not as open-minded when it comes to my own problem. I usually ask for help from one of my closest friends.

I live with both of my parents. Sadly I am an only child so they aren't as willing to let me do much. But it has its benefits like having an allowance and getting one on one attention from my parents. We also have a dog named Lucy who is 100% CRAZY and a fish that somehow survived the last 5 years with us. Honestly, I'm not sure if that's normal for a fish to live that long but here we are.

I will always love those late nights on the beach with friends. The best ones are where we stare up at the stars talking all night until the sun comes up. Although someone always ends up losing a shoe or two. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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