Just The 2 Of Us

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Luigi Mario couldn't bother to tune into what else his older brother, Mario Mario, was saying for he had already snapped his eyes wide open and threw off the covers, blasting out of his bed like a rocket.

Oh, stars! He had slept in through his alarm clock!

Desperate and fast footsteps echoed up the stairs as they clomped with each heavy step.

Those are Mario's thick, brown, heavy boots all right... Man, am I sure in for it this time!

"Luigi!" Mario called out once more.

Uh oh. He was now down the hallway and headed towards their bedroom...!

"I'm up, I'm up!"

Mario stormed through the open room door, only to abruptly stop when he caught Luigi still in his pajamas.

Frustrated and impatient, Mario huffed through his nose and sighed as he leaned his small body against the open doorway of the bedroom.

"Luigi," Mario started, trying to be as calm as possible. "I've been gone on my walk for fifteen minutes, only for you to still be in bed!"

"But I'm not in bed, anymore." The younger brother replied, smartly, giving his brother a smirk.

"But you aren't dressed! Look at the time," Mario replied, pointing to his brother's alarm clock behind him. "It's 11:30 now. The grand event is going to start at 12:00 and we're supposed to get there earlier to help the princess and everyone else set up! You said while I was about to leave for my walk that you'd get up."

"I don't remember saying that." Luigi frowned, biting his bottom lip.

"Well, you did. I announced that I was going for my morning walk like always and that you'd better get out of bed before I get back. You muttered something like an, 'Mhm, yeah, I will.' and obviously, you didn't."

Mario rolled his eyes upon saying this and lightly shook his head.

"Oh..." Luigi slightly blushed. "Well, I better get ready, then. We're going to be late!"

"No kidding and I can't even give the princess a heads-up." Mario retorted as he spun on his heel and left, leaving Luigi by himself.

Well, I should get ready before we're even more late than it is and Mario kills me for it. Not like he already won't, anyways, but still. The plumber thought, bitterly.

Luigi jumped into a really quick shower and wrapped himself in a towel as he sped-walked into his room to change. He pulled his green, long-sleeved shirt over his head. He fastened up his dark, navy blue overalls over his light green boxers and wore red and white peppermint striped socks.

His usual attire.

Racing downstairs, he nearly slipped and fell forward twice, seeing as he was usually the clumsiest out of the two heroes. The plumber gripped the railing and carefully but quickly made his way down the rest of the stairs to meet his brother.

Mario was already at the open front door, patiently (or maybe impatiently on the inside) waiting as he crossed his arms over his chest and raised a dark eyebrow.

"I know, I know," Luigi sighed. "Lemme just grab something for the road quickly!"

"No time!" Mario hissed, snatching his brother's arm as he dragged him outside and slammed the door closed behind him. "We're in a rush here!"

"Mario, let go of me! I can walk, you know!!!"

Releasing his grip, Mario stopped to look at his brother.

Just The 2 Of Us (Luigi x Daisy Story)Where stories live. Discover now