The Night Of

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Today was the day that her entire life would be flipped upside down. Her whole concept on good and evil would change, and sadly, young and bright eyed, Anneli Dubois, was completely oblivious to what was going to happen in a mere 13 hours. The cool summer breeze flew into her bright colored room and danced around her posters on her walls. The soft sound of the paper rasping against the wall is what woke her. She could guess as she slowly fluttered her eyes open that today was going to be a good day. It was as if she were waking up in complete and utter peace. The sweet sound of the trees dancing in the wind was enough to make a bitter man smile. She gazed out the window for a while, watching the clouds as they soared by weightlessly.

Once she finally convinced herself to start the day, she exited her room and shuffled her feet across the old creaky farmhouse hallway. It was inevitable to stop the creaking as she walked. Every wood floor in this house would creak, whether you tip-toed or not. Yet, everyone that walked through the house chose to shuffle. She slid her flower socks across the smooth floor, and carefully crept down the stairs. As soon as her feet hit the last step, the warm smell of blueberry pancakes wafted over her. God bless pancakes. Nothing would ever make her happier than pancakes.

Anneli couldn't help but do a little skip as she bolted to the table. Rocking the table as she speedily sat down and she grabbed three of the steamy pancakes from the pile. "Woah, woah, there girly," she heard her grandfather's morning voice from behind her. "If you eat those as fast as you were runnin', you'll get heartburn." He chuckled softly at his own joke. It seemed that everything was the cause of heartburn in this household. You swim after you've eaten, you'll get heartburn. You sleep soon after you've eaten, you'll get heartburn. You even blink, and you'll get heartburn. Even though Anneli has never even experienced this terrible pain, as much as this household feared it, she was bound to have it at some time. She could hear his feet slowly shuffling up behind her. He patted her on the head twice before sitting down next to her at the small round table.

She smiled softly up at her grandpa as he sat down, "Well if I don't rush, then they'd be all gone before I even got to them!" She joked back with a smile. Just as she was pouring delicious, sugary syrup all over her pancakes, she heard her grandmother shuffling in from the kitchen.

"You two better save me at least one," she joked with a smile, although both Papa and I knew that she wasn't joking. We gave each other a look before returning to our plates. Grammie placed a stick of butter and a butter knife on the table before seating herself on the other side of Anneli. Just as she was shoveling a huge bite of pancakes into her mouth, Grammie quickly reminded her of prayer. She bit her tongue to not moan in annoyance, knowing it would make her grandparents upset to know she hated prayer. She stopped mid airplane mode into her mouth and quickly recited 'Come Lord Jesus' before continuing her massive bite.

As everyone was finishing their beautiful morning breakfast, Grammie announced that she was going into to town today, alone, to gather supplies for Papa's birthday the next day. This was awfully strange to Anneli because she was always involved in the planning of birthdays. She shrugged it off though, and quickly began thinking of all the things that she needed to do that know, full well knowing that Papa was going to give her a list of chores.

After Anneli had cleaned all the dishes, Grammie was off and riding along into town. Leaving Papa and Anneli with the day's chores. "I do hope we're not having banana bread again," Papa commented as she watched his red truck drive down the dirt road towards the driveway entrance. Anneli couldn't help but chuckle as she remembered last years birthday when Grammie and I completely failed at making banana bread for Papa's birthday. Such a simple recipe, yet we messed it up so badly.

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