The Right Choice

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A/N: Welcome to my first BBC Merlin oneshot. This is the first time I have written for this fandom so any feedback is appreciated. In terms of where this fits in he timeline, it doesn't really- it's pretty much a complete AU. Anyway, enjoy and let me know what you think in the comments!

I was sat on my throne addressing my knights when they were dragged in by the guards.

"Sire, this boy was caught using magic in the lower town." One of the guards said, throwing the struggling child to the floor. The boy looked to be about eight summers old, but fairly small for his age. His hair was quite dark but his eyes a light sky-blue as he peered up at me through long eyelashes.

The woman who was brought in behind him looked familiar. I felt I had met her before. My attention was soon drawn away from her face when I realised the reason the guards were handling her more carefully- she was heavily pregnant.

"Please," she sobbed, "don't hurt us. He was only trying to help."

I paused for a moment. "What was the boy using magic for?" I asked the guard who had initially spoken.

"He turned all the fruit on a stall rotten, sire."

I stood up and approached the woman, before continuing, I turned to look for Merlin. Where was my pesky servant when I needed him.

As I looked round, I noticed Lancelot. While the other guards were stood to attention, they appeared more curious than concerned or scared, Lancelot, on the other hand had a clear tension in his shoulders and concern in his eyes. I shrugged it off though, he was probably concerned for the woman's condition, as was I.

"Someone fetch her a chair." I ordered, before turning back to her. "And how was that meant to help?" I asked, softening my attitude slightly.

"He didn't mean to," she had stopped sobbing and was perched on a chair someone had brought. "He wanted to help make it stay fresh for longer. He has not quite got control of his talents yet."

I thought for a moment. "Take them to the dungeons," I told the guard, "but make sure they are fairly comfortable while I decide my judgement."

As they were dragged out, I dismissed my knights and sank down onto my throne, my head in my hands.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lancelot hesitate, as if to say something but he changed his mind, leaving the throne room as a panicked Merlin appeared. They had a hurried conversation before Merlin entered the throne room as the guards closed the door behind him.

He cautiously approached me. "What are you going to do?" He asked.

"I don't know Merlin."

"Sire, I really think-" he began but I cut him off.

"I didn't ask Merlin. And I know you're scared because magic is evil and all but he is only a child. And he was trying to do good. It doesn't matter what you think, and it doesn't matter what I think. I have to do what's best for Camelot." I turned and stormed out of the hall, leaving Merlin stood there, wide eyed in shock and horror.


Later that night, I stood at my window overlooking the courtyard.

"Hey." I felt my shoulder get squeezed and I turned to see my wife Guinevere stood beside me.

"Hey," I replied with a small smile. As I looked down at her bulging stomach, I was reminded of the woman in the dungeons and my smile fell.

"You seem troubled." She told me.

I nodded and explained what had happened earlier. "I just don't know what to do. Surely magic can't be all bad?"

"Why don't you talk to her?" Gwen suggested, "And Gaius? Get him to examine her- check she is okay."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2021 ⏰

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