Legendary: 1

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Noelle Finley ^

Sweat slowly dripped down her face as she kept on punching and kicking the large punching bag as hard as she possibly could. She ignored the uncomfortable feeling of sweat all over her, as she put all of her focus on the task at hand. Hit after hit, every strike she landed on the punching bag were more hard and powerful than the last.

Adrenaline and drive coursed through her with every hit. The drive to be stronger. The drive to be the best. With one last swift swing, the punching bag tore in half letting all the sand flow out of it. She tore off the punching glows from her hands and grabbed a water bottle out of her backpack.

She removed the cover, and gulped down as much water as she could. Taking in a deep breath, she managed to calm her breathing as she placed the water bottle back into her backpack.

"Looks like I'm getting a new punching bag again." A deep voice spoke, as she looked up. A small smile appeared on her face as she saw a tall, middle aged man leaning against the wall, with a warm smile on his face. The man did not look a day over 45, with jet black hair that was starting to go a little white, baby blue eyes that held nothing but warmth and curiosity, smooth tanned skin, muscular physic but not too muscular.

"Looks like it." She shrugged as she glanced at the torn punching bag. The yellow sand had scattered all over the floor by now.

"You do know this the third time this month, I'm gonna have to buy a new punching bag right?" He questioned, as he leaned off the wall and walked towards her with his arms crossed and eyebrow raised. Even the big hefty men that visited the gym regularly couldn't even tear the punching bag in half no matter how hard they tried. But she could, till now it was still a mystery to him of how she does it.

"You know how I get when I'm in the zone." She shrugged. He should know by now, how intense she gets when she's determined to do something. After all, he is her dad.

"Yeah, and you know how I get when I have keep replacing punching bags every month." He gave her a serious look. He does know how his daughter can get, but she really needed her to take it down a notch, at least for the sake of the money he spends every month replacing punching bags that are supposed to last up to at least 8 months.

"Sorry dad." She spoke in a low tone of voice as she pouted and gave him puppy dog eyes. She knew their was no way her father could resist the puppy dog eyes. She's been using it on him since birth, and it always worked every time. He loved her too much to resist it.

"Fine, I'll forgive you this time Ellie, but don't do it again okay." He warned, but she could see the small smile on his face. She knew he would always forgive her every time, no matter what she did. He was a loving and caring father like that. That was one of the many reasons why she loved him so much.

"Dad I've told to stop calling me Ellie. You know I don't like that nickname, my name is Noelle and I want to be called Noelle." She complained. Her father had given her that nickname since birth, sure she kind of liked it at first but as time went on, the nickname became very annoying to her and now she didn't like anyone calling her Ellie. But her dad still kept on calling her that name, just to annoy her and because he became used to it.

"Oh come on, Ellie is such a cute name. And you liked it when you were little." He retorted.

"Yeah, but now I don't any more." Noelle replied, as she crossed her arms over her chest. Her father was just about to say something when a ringing sound came from his back pocket. He quickly pulled his phone out of his back pocket and stopped the ringing sound.

"Time to pick up Hunter." He announced, as he shoved his phone back into his pocket. Hunter is Noelle's brother, and their dad mostly forgets to pick him up from school leaving it to their mother to pick him up instead. Running a gym all by yourself is not an easy task at all, and so that's why he forgets to pick Hunter up from school most times. Noelle had tried volunteering to help him run the gym most times, but he always declines saying he wanted to build up his own business by himself. Her father has always been hardworking and determined, he never accepts help or hand outs from anyone, even his own family. I guess that where Noelle gets it from.

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