Welcome and warnings

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Thanks for clicking on my story. This is the first book that i have ever wrote, so feedback is greatly appreciated: good and bad :)

With that said: this story is purely fiction so it has no connection to the characters real lives or them as a real person. I'm just using there faces for inspiration, all of the boys are going to be in this story so enjoy!

- Extreme violence
-sexual content
-Mature themes such as: mention of sexual assault, harassment, substance abuse, suicide and domestic abuse

Please, if you are uncomfortable with reading about any of these topics, DO NOT READ!!

My intentions for these topics aren't to romanticise them, it is for plot and character development. If at any point, anyone feels like i have done this or gone about a subject in a wrong way please call me out and educate me !! I dont know and never have claimed to know everything so a constant education is good and i wont take offence to anyone who does so, i would rather be called out and educated then be ignorant to what is going on around me :)

With that said:
Welcome to the story i hope you stick around!! The book is written in two timelines past and present and together will tell the whole story.

Please comment and vote xx

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