The Bracelet [A Kiani One Shot]

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Hey guys! So I was rewatching the vlogs from Pax Prime and there's that one part where Jordan gets the 'K' bracelet and it inspired me to write this, enjoy!


Jordan was in the middle of packing up his stuff in preparation for moving to Vancouver. It was taking him way longer than it should because he kept finding things he forgot he had, most of which were little trinkets from fans, that had gotten scattered over time. He piled them all into the box, about to seal it, when something caught his eye. It was a bracelet of simple design, just black and white beads in a loop, but it wasn't just any bracelet, it was more special than that...



Jordan sat beside Will, who gave him a soft smile when he did.

"You got one too huh?" Jordan asked, raising his arm so Will could see the bracelet around his wrist.

"Wha-Oh! Yeah" Will confirmed, confused at first until he looked up from his phone. Will lifted his arm to show his bracelet too. "I'm guessing yours has a K on it, right?" Will asked

"Yeah, yours have a B?" Jordan wondered


"That's cute! Now we can match" Jordan said

"Yeah" Will agreed

It was about an hour after Jordan dropped Will off at the airport a few days later, and Jordan felt like shit. He hated how, no matter how many times Jordan assured him otherwise, Will would be insecure about the most minuscule of things. That alone made him feel crappy, but hearing Will voice his insecurities only reminded him of his own. He looked down at his wrist where the 'K' bracelet was resting; in anger he pulled it off his wrist and threw it across his bedroom; all it did was remind him of Will and all Will reminded him of right now, was his insecurities; and that was not what he needed at that point in time...

It was a couple of months later and Jordan was woken up by his phone ringing. He groaned, pushing the hair out of his face and picking up the phone. After a short phonecall, it appeared as if one of his friends had tried to commit suicide. Without thinking he looked down at the three scars the cuts had left on his left arm. He'd been feeling really shitty after all his insecurities had surfaced again and he took it out on himself...He hadn't done it since, but he wanted to, yeah he definitely wanted to.

A little while later and Jordan was staring at his friend, unconscious and looking as weak as ever, in front of him; it was at that moment he swore he'd never self harm again, the thought that that could be him if he continued to self harm, absolutely terrified him...  


Jordan played with the beads of the bracelet in his hand, sighing; even after so long, the bracelet still reminded him of Will, (which he supposed was the point) the last time he saw it, the reminder was a sad one but now it made him smile. Jordan and Will had been through a lot in their friendship, but ever since they stopped fighting and rekindled their friendship, everything was great. Before making up they had talked everything over for a few hours which meant they now had a much better understanding of each other, which only made their bond stronger. Jordan slid the bracelet onto his left wrist then got up, deciding to take a break from packing to go on Team Speak.

"Hey Jordan" Will said after Jordan logged on

"Hey Will how's it going?" 

"Good, Just working on my house on cube"

"Dang, that's gonna take a long time to finish" 

"Yeah it is but it's gonna look sick when it's done...How's packing going?"

"It's going good, I'm packing bits and pieces today, random stuff"

"I bet that's distracting" Will said and Jordan laughed lightly

"You're right it is, I keep finding things I forgot I had...Speaking of which, guess what I found" Jordan told him

"Hmm I don't know, knowing you, it could be a lot of things"

"Remember those bracelets we got at Prime?"

"The black and white ones from that one girl?" 

"Yeah, I found mine just now"

"That's cool! Hold on I'll go get mine, it's in a box under my bed" Will told him before getting up, finding the bracelet, and putting it on. "There, I have it on"

"I have mine on too, they're so cute" Jordan said

"Yeah...I used to catch myself playing with it during the time we were fighting because it reminds me of you and I missed you"

"Awww Will! Mine reminds me of you too, to be honest" Jordan admitted

"I guess that's why you lost it for so long huh, didn't want the reminder??"

"Yes exactly...You understand me so well, you know that?"

"Yeah I do, and you understand me just as much, it's why we're so close"

"True that...But hey, now that we're friends again, I promise I'll keep it safe this time, I'll probably wear it a lot more too."

"Same here" Will agreed. It's funny how such a small thing can mean so much, but to them it did and it always will...


There's the one shot, kinda sad but also cute! As always comments telling me your thoughts on it are appriciated :)

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