I Want It To Stop

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People make fun of me for no damn reason. They try to punch me. I always get myself in fights but I enjoy it and fucking bully anyone who mess with me. If you mess with me your dead. I want to kill people I want to run someone over I want to shoot someone I want to robe the bank. I fucking hate all this negative thoughts that's keep repeating in my head. I was born a nice kid and I know I was. I will never hurt nobody. If I mess with you push me away and don't mess with me. I once burn a cig into my skin because I fucking hate my self the pain felt so good. my parents don't even know how bad I am and I have mental problems. my parents do know I fight a lot but I never tell them why. I always cry at night to wish girls will like me. I push this really pretty girl away she was 17 and I was 18 she once ask me do I want to go out with her I response with this.. I grab her arms looked deep into her deep baby blue eyes and said what does it look like bitch I have mental problems your pretty and all but if you fuck with me I rape you and fuck you hard she slap me and said pervert fuck you need help! And I have a long crush with you for a long time ever since first grade And she starts to cry than ran away. I liked her to ever since that I was so angry at myself and her. I fucking hate everybody and everything. I don't want to be in this world any more help me. I don't know how to social talked to people
I don't know how to flirt with girls
I don't even know if I'm gay or bi or pansexual
I don't even know how to cook
I don't even know if I laugh I'm happy.
When I smile I'm fucking angry. I don't like my life. I was born in the wrong time,wrong day,wrong year I wasn't ready
My family was happy
I don't think there real
Do they really love me? Do anyone love me?
I sometimes wonder a lot everyday. I let my angry out on the wrong people even my teachers,parents,family,everyone. I wonder if I'm adopt. I just want it to stop ugh!! Is a hard knob life to be me Harry fucking styles a fucking mental British dude who's not even in a band no more who give up on everybody and everything

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