Parents night out - PARTY TIME

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It is 9 in the morning and you are wide awake watching your favourite programme (Pretty Little Liars). Your mum is in the kitchen making some pancakes for your breakfast while your dad is upstairs still in bed. As you sit on the sofa, you smell the pancakes fresh on your plate. Your mum brings them in with the maple syrup on the side. Mine rs later your dad comes down stairs - tired as always - wanting a few pancakes, so your mum cooks some more as she had some batter left.

You accidently turn around and see your dad and mum making out in the kitchen so you quickly turn back and finish eating your pancakes. You decide to go out into the kitchen to wash your plate interrupting your parents as it got too much. They stop as soon as you Wales in and they explained to you that they are going out tonight and won't be back until tomorrow morning. Straight away you knew exactly what you were going to do while they were gone - PARTY!

As soon as you knew they were going out, you got straight on your phone and started writing away your plans to all your friends and some other boys;
"Hey everyone, guess what!? My parents are going out tonight at 9 and won't be back until late morning tomorrow, who wants to join? Who knows there might be some excitement too along the way - also alcohol will be there and plenty of snacks, so see you guys there *winky face*"

The day went fast and it was suddenly 9 o'clock at night - the time your parents needed to leave. As you said your goodbyes and goodnights to your parents, you closed the door and said to everyone on your chat:
"It's time everybody! PARTY TIME!!!"

If you would like to find out what happens to you and your party please help me get to 20 likes - at least - and I will post the rest of the story 😄✋. Have a great day!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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