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Vampire fun fact #1: vampires weren't originally weak to the sun this was introduced in 1929's Nosferatu and has become a staple of vampires to this day

Also izuku will have a lot of powers that normal vampires don't have or have from other media

Mustafa district year 2003 a boy named izuku midoriya was born into a world of super powered individuals who posses abilities called quirks which usually appeared at the age of four years old

Izuku was no different except his came with

Unexpected drawbacks

"Mama I can't taste my food" this was strange to the boy's mother. He hadn't contracted a sickness or disease so this is very strange "what do you mean sweetie" izuku responds "it all tastes like...cardboard. Even the katsudon" this worries inko and so she grabs her son and she drives him over to the doctor's office. During the drive inko sees izuku's skin turn pale white,his eyes turn red,his shadow disappears from the side of his seat,his canine teeth grow 💭"he looks like a vampire. Could this be his quirk" the two get to the office and call for a doctor immediately which they see in only 5 minutes "miss it does seem your son's quirk resembles that of a vampire" while inko is relieved that nothing bad happened to her baby boy izuku is extremely happy that his quirk manifested "young man I'm gonna need you to drink this" the doctor hands izuku a small cup filled with a liquid "it's nothing bad just take a sip for me please" izuku drinks the liquid and finds it refreshing "that was good" the doctor grabs his clipboard and writes something down "ok miss this next bit of information is only for your ears so izuku if you would please step out that would be very much appreciated" izuku nods and leaves the room "what is it doctor" the doctor sighs "ma'am that was Ox blood" inko is horrified but before she yells at the doctor "ma'am you said your son couldn't taste anything and obviously it tasted good to him. His tastes have changed to be only blood" inko then finishes the appointment

The next day

Izuku is watching a movie about a man traveling to a different dimension and he thinks on how cool it is. Suddenly a vortex like formation appears next to izuku on a wall and being the curious young man he is he decides to go through and he sees nothing but a barren landscape with an almost purple sky "woah. This would look cool with a castle" suddenly izuku's hands start to glow and a castle appears with a few other attachments from the ground

 This would look cool with a castle" suddenly izuku's hands start to glow and a castle appears with a few other attachments from the ground

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"WOOOOAH" izuku runs into the castle and sees the interior

Izuku climbs the stairs and explores the interior with great intent of exploration and wonder "this is so cool" izuku then realizes that aside from the suits of armor there's really nothing or no one "this is kinda lonely" just as deku says this f...

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Izuku climbs the stairs and explores the interior with great intent of exploration and wonder "this is so cool" izuku then realizes that aside from the suits of armor there's really nothing or no one "this is kinda lonely" just as deku says this four separate clouds of bats form into the shape of four adults and suddenly take full human form "hello young Master" izuku is amazed at the four figures "wait Master" izuku is confused "yes. You created us you are our master and creator" izuku then asks their names which they reply they don't have any "that sucks. I got some names" izuku points at the one in a yellow and red suit "you'll be named Orlok" "amazing name sir thank you" izuku points at the one in a black and white suit "you'll be Alaric" "a fine name my lord" izuku points at the one in a blood red and a vanta black suit "you will be named Godfrey" "excellent I very much enjoy it" izuku points at the last one in a grey and lined with golden thread suit "you shall be named Talon" "thank you m'lord" izuku smiles and so do the other four

One year later

Izuku is roaming around his castle when Orlok walks up to him "m'lord we have sensed three intruders shall we bring them in" izuku nods 💭"how did three people get in" izuku then sits in the throne room with Alaric next to him and waits. After 10 minutes Orlok along with Godfrey and Talon bring in three girls all who are bruised and have scratches "Orlok,Godfrey,Talon you did not harm then correct" Godfrey bows "no sir they were already bruised and scratched when we arrived at their locations" izuku then gets up and approaches the three girls. He sees one has long onyx hair and onyx eyes. The one next to her is a girl with dark purple hair,black eyes,a strange heartbeat like mark in her hair and she has earphone jacks hanging from her ear loabs. The last girl has short chestnut brown hair which reaches down to her shoulders,brown eyes and a permanent blush on her face

Izuku crouches to the girls level "I'm izuku midoriya. Ruler of this castle and world. Mind telling me how you got here" the girls are to scared to answer but a sound does come out of them. The rumble of their stomach which embarrasses them "Orlok,Godfrey,Talon bring them to the dining room Alaric make our guests some food please" they all go to do as instructed and izuku goes to the dining room with his bat form before transforming back and the girls are sat down infront him

Alaric comes out with food and gives them to the girls while he hands deku a cup of Ox blood then he leaves to work around the castle along with the other three as izuku sits with the girls "go ahead. Eat up" the girls pick up their forks and when they take their first bite their eyes go wide and they chow down much to izuku's happiness "now there you go" izuku then asks for their names again and the girl with the onyx black hair speaks "I-I'm m-m-mo-momo" izuku smiles "beautiful name" momo gets flustered and hides her face/her blush. Then the girl with dark purple hair speaks "I'm k-kyoka" "That's an absolutely lovely name" kyoka turns red in the face. Then the brown haired girl "I-I'm ocha-ochako" izuku smiles "cute name for a cute girl" ochako blushes and hides her face

Izuku chuckles but then gets serious "so. How did you three get here" the three girls look at izuku then momo speaks before the others could "we actually don't know we just woke up here" this is strange but not the weirdest thing izuku's heard "where did you fall asleep" jiro speaks "we were sleeping in a alleyway behind a dumpster next thing we knew we were here" even stranger 💭"guess I let out to many portals" izuku gets up and pats all three on the head "so why were you three on the streets" the three pause and look down in sadness so izuku drops the subject "well who cares. How would you three like to live here" all three girls look up at izuku with hope and they say yes with giant smiles 💭"they're gonna be the death of me" izuku smiles warmly

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