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This is it, I thought. Once I set foot in Hogwarts I'm officially in 6th year, I had hundreds of thoughts going through my head while I was packing until my fathers yell snapped me out of my thoughts.

''If you still want to go to that wretched school of yours you're going to have to hurry up or you're never going there again and you can forget about your brainwashed friends'' My father isn't a muggle even if it looks like it, he just isn't a big fan of magic and likes to stay away from it. 

''yes Father, I'm nearly ready, just give me a minute'' I shout and at that minute our house elf Rosa runs in.

''would you like some help miss?''

''Yes please Rosa can you please pass me my jeans and sweaters from over there'' she quickly ran to where I pointed to and came back carrying my clothes, I was nearly ready I just had to pack my owl some food and I was good to go

''Rosa can you help me carry my trunk down please''

''Of course ma'am'' and with that she grabbed my trunk that's way bigger than her and carried it down the stairs to where my father looked disappointed as usual

''Where were you y/n, hurry up or you'll miss your fucking train.'' And with that I grabbed my trunk and apparated at Kings Cross station, I ran through the wall as fast as I could and jumped onto the train moments before I heard a wistle and I felt the train begin to move. I ran to where me and Pansy always sat on our way to Hogwarts and of course I found her there.

''y/n where were you, I was starting to think you missed the train or something!'' she said with a concerned voice, I sat down and after I caught my breath I explained what happened to her. After about an hour of talking I started to get a bit drowsy and so did she, we fell asleep on each others shoulders. 

I don't know how long after I felt myself being shaken awake, it was Blaise he was standing over us trying to make us wake up as the train started to slow down.

'' What's happening?'' asked Pansy finally waking up.

''We're at Hogwarts'' I answered and the minute I said the word '' Hogwarts'' she was up and moving as if nothing had ever happened, she really loved Hogwarts even if at times she didn't show it. We grabbed our bags and ran to the lake trying to find a boat that wasn't occupied by loud first years. Finally we found one that was completely empty, we hopped in with Blaise and Draco not far behind, the four of us had been friends since first year and we did almost everything together, they are like family to me. 

''Hey, y/n. Finally decided to wake up did ya'' asked Draco looking and sounding hotter each year

''Oh shut up'' there was a moment of silence until we all started laughing, some first years turned their heads to see what was going on but when they saw it was 4 Slytherins and 1 of them being Draco, they turned their heads back around wishing they never did in the first place. That just made us laugh even more. We were laughing so much that we didn't even realise we were approaching our ''home''.

We sprinted to the Great Hall and sat down, I was actually enjoying myself, until I stupidly let my memories back in. I saw my fathers angry face screaming at me and telling me I'm a disappointment and slapping me. My smile turned into a frown within seconds, Pansy noticed me and asked me what was wrong.

''I'm perfectly fine, Pansy. '' The first years were finally sorted and we could start eating, the food looked nice but I didn't touch it, instead I excused myself and went to my dorm, I got in the shower crying again, why me? why do they always come back? I got out of the shower, still crying I got out my pocket knife that I hid under a tile that I broke when we just arrived earlier that evening. I cut my wrists, some old scars opened some new cuts formed, it hurt at first but after a bit I felt some sort of relief, I quickly cleaned up my arms and went to bed.

Tomorrow is going to be a new day

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