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        “Promise me,” I say, pointing my finger straight in between March’s eyes. He crosses them. “You won’t send any Valentines this year.”

        "Why not?" he asks, pouting. 

        "Because it's a stupid holiday," I say, and he seems to deflate slightly.

        "But I had somebody that I was going to ask out this year," he says softly.

        I turn red. I don't even have the nerve to ask my crush out. I know, I know. Pathetic.

        "Well, she's just going to have to wait." I pause for a second. "Or he."

        “Oh, fine,” he says. “No Valentines, Miss Annoying.”

        Mission accomplished. I bite my lip. Sort of.

        If March already likes a girl, is it still okay for me to want him for my own?


        We should probably back up a bit.

        Maybe to the 12th. I looked up Valentine’s Day, and guess what? It honors this guy who performed marriages for people in secret and then ended up getting killed. Not a very nice love story. Kind of sounds like a funeral is in order, really. Poor guy.

        So March and I (I’m Mei, in case you're interested) made a pact. No Valentines. No candy. No flowers. No dates. We’re going to act like it’s any other day.

        Well, any other day March would probably still be shoving chocolate and Sour Patch Kids into his face, but that’s not the point. No Valentines is the point.

        It’s not going to be hard at all for me. I like March. I won't bore you with all the details, but let's just say he has cute brown hair that flops into his brilliant blue eyes (okay, mine are blue, too, but they're not the same blue as his), skin clearer than glass (except for those adorable freckles) and he's probably the sweetest, most ridiculous goofball gamer this side of the United States. And Canada. And maybe North America. ...Would it be too much to say the universe?

        But March doesn’t see me that way, I know that. I’m his best friend, just a snarky, sarcastic teenage girl that dyes her hair pink and writes stories. Permanent resident of the friendzone here, even after I've let March lay his head in my lap and cry over the endless list of girls that have cheated on him and rejected him. 

        Okay, maybe the list isn't endless. Maybe it's two names long. But still.

        You'd be surprised how hard it is to console someone and try to flirt with them at the same time. Big surprise: I always fail. Cue long sigh and pity party.

        I guess we both have pretty sour love lives.

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