Pizza Order

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It was finally the day, that Shalnark could be trusted with a phone to order 'Pizza'.

"Here's the Phone, you call for help and you are fucking dead!" Gil yells at him, tossing the phone and getting the whip ready.

"R-right....." Shalnark gulps as he looks behind them to see Kurapika being raped by his boyfriend Rian, his white slicked hair, and dark purple eyes full with lust as he holds a bat close to him.

And Feitan getting shocked with a shock collar, crying in pain, while his boyfriend Jokūbas hits him, some more. Jokūbas was dark skinned with a fair brown hair, and teal eyes.

And Gil (The same Gil from My Aubsive Lover, if you read it) with his wisteria blue hair, fading to a cadet blue, and his sky blue eyes, piercing through his Emerald ones. 

Shalnark calls 911, the breeze runs past his skin, as the outfit he was forced to wear was very revealing.

He wore a red crop top, with straps that connected his shirt to his underwear that was hidden under his red mini skirt supported by the straps and a black belt around it, he wore red stockings that connected to his underwear, and he had off shoulder sleeves.

He waited for the operator to answer as he looked back at his two friends, who were both forced as well to wear ludicrous outfits.

Kurapika wore a blue strapless top, and black leather skirt with blue designs on it, that wasn't up to his hips, and was very short. He also wore fishnet stockings with gold bracelets around his knees.

Feitan was forced to wear a shock collar, that was currently active, and a one shoulder pink shirt, a short Japanese styled skirt, and some pink cat leggings.

They all had bruises and cuts on their bodies and we all traumatized from almost a whole year of abuse from these guys who they thought loved them.

"Hello this is 911 how may I assist you?" A lady asks.

"Oh yeah I'd like to order....a pizza please....." Shalnark lied hoping she'd catch on, he'd seen this on the news before, some lady had done this so he hoped he could succeed too.

"Sir you know this is a 911 line right?" She asks.

"I know. Umm one large meat lovers please." He pauses in between the I know and the fake order.

The lady gets the hint "Sir are you okay?" She asks.

"No. I said Meat lovers not pepperoni." He looks back to see Gil grinding menacingly with the whip in his hands as behind him his two friends we suffering

"Is this Domestic abuse?"

"Yes. And two buckets of hot wings." Shalnark lies once again.

"Alright, is there anyone else with you who is in this situation, or is it just you? And how many abusers?" She asks.

Shalnark looks at his suffering friends and gulps, tears threaten to fall out "Yes. We would like some ranch sauce, can we get. 3."

"Does anyone need medical assistance?"

He looks to see Feitan was on the verge of passing out "Yes. The address is *******."

"Okay we have a officer a mile away, can you stay on the line sir?" She asks and Shalnark looks at Gil who was obviously ready to do something to him as soon as he got off the call.

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