Who is in Control: Part 3

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(I'm also saying 'About damn time!' to this update, it didn't come close enough! I'm sorry but school started hoarding more of my time than I wanted. I hope you like this segment, even though it's long as hell LOL. I have a The Cause of Madness reference in here and a pinch of Dablyn action too. Play the song at the *' point to enjoy reading this more.

Before I let you start reading, trigger warning for violence towards the end! If you don't like that kind of thing, I recommend you maybe skip the end? Yes, I plan on making a part 4 to this since this part is already long as hell on its own.

If you don't mind all of that, read away.)

Got a Deathwish?


"Why there's a Porsche here, I have no idea." The unbreakable hero commented and opened the posh car's trunk. "If you guys have any weapons and supplies you wanna bring with us, now's the time to do it." She declared, to which Toga tossed a box of her knives and a case full of tranquilizer darts inside. "I have to admit I'm impressed, princess." Dabi grinned as he slammed the trunk closed. "Don't be so shocked, I've broken the law before." Jaclyn chuckled softly.

"I call driving!" Toga yelled and tried to get in the driver's seat before Sero beat her to it. "Thanks for remembering that I can't drive." His mentor blurted, taking shotgun. "You still don't know how to drive?" Dabi snickered in amusement, sliding into the back. "I can drive, but I crashed Cactus's car into a tree during my last attempt. She had to get a brand new car and we didn't talk for months. So I decided I'll never drive unless I have to. That's part of why I have Cellophane here." Jaclyn explained, her cheeks flushing bright pink.

"Let me make you a key, Cellophane. Gimme a sec," Diamond took one of Dabi's nose piercings and molded it into a key with her hands. "I had to pay a lot for that one. Piercings aren't cheap, dollface." He groaned, crossing his arms. "Saving Mira isn't gonna be cheap either." Jaclyn sneered tartly. They scowled at each other but didn't say anything.

"It's great that you guys are getting along, but does anyone have an address or something for the GPS?" Hanta Sero asked & used the key, revving up the engine. "I'll give you directions." Dabi suggested. "Then shouldn't you sit shotgun?" Diamond glared at him. "No way. If people recognize me on the road, we'll get pulled over." The villain covered in scars insisted. "I might stab people if I sit shotgun." Toga added cheerfully. "We know, Toga." Jaclyn answered her calmly despite losing her patience. "I'll probably have to take the highway and park at least a block or two away from the place. I think-"

"You're smarter than you look, flex tape. I'll give you that." Blueflame grinned, impressed. "I'll take that as a compliment." Sero muttered absentmindedly. "I swear if Dynamite by BTS plays again, I'm gonna cut off my ears..." Diamond complained and crossed her arms as the radio started playing. "Then who's gonna yank 'em with their teeth?" Dabi flirted before remembering he was being a navigator. "Shit, uh, you're gonna need to turn left after that Hawks billboard and keep going straight 'til you hit the highway. I'll tell you which exit to go on when I see it, flex tape." He directed attentively. Sero groaned at the nickname but hit the gas and followed Dabi's directions anyway.

~Time skip brought to you by Sero wanting to smoke weed~

"Great, we're almost out of gas-" Jaclyn complained, staring at the gas tank meter before Hanta stopped the car. "At least we're here. I parked a block or two away so security wouldn't see us." Her sidekick interrupted encouragingly. "Damn, he's LOV material. I'll have to keep that in mind." Dabi commented as the four got out of the car. "I don't intend on leaving Diamond's agency, but, uh, thanks." Cellophane declined awkwardly. "Let's go kill people!" Toga cheered eagerly, earning some sighs and a smirk from Blueflame.

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