chapter 1

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rachel made a group chat

rachel added kurt, mike, puck, artie, finn, blaine, sam, quinn, santana, brittany, tina, mercedes, sugar and joe

rachel named group chat:

new directions

santana: uhh what is this?

rachel: i made a new directions group chat! what does it look like? 🙄

artie: why tho? 🤨

rachel: because here we can plan on songs to use and talk about the joys of music and broadway and maybe you can even schedule times with me to work on your vocal ranges because lately most of you have been sounding a bit pitchy

santana has left the chat

brittany: if santana is gone so am i 😽✌️


rachel added santana to the chat

rachel: alright, you know what... fine. we can use this chat to just talk then

kurt: seems like a waste of gigabytes

mercedes: preach 🙏

blaine: guys sam is asleep rn. can we not blow up his phone?

sugar: ohmygod did you guys finally figure it out?!

blaine: ??

brittany: did you get your boy kisses on? 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

kurt: boy kisses? sam's straight

brittany: no he's not. he's half dolphin like me 🐬

kurt: since when?

brittany: blam ❤️

kurt: that doesn't answer my question

tina: subject change - let's talk about how amazing mike's abs are 🥵

mike: tina no

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